Chapter 12 | One freaky cat

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C H A P T E R  1 2
| O N E  F R E A K Y  C A T |

I woke up extra early today. 6 am. Mainly to straighten my hair, do my makeup and get ready. I wore black leggings; a grey off the shoulder top and black high heel boots.

My hair was straightened to perfection and was pushed to the side.

As I made my way downstairs I heard a sound. Must be the neighbours cat. Sometimes the neighbours cat comes in our house. I don't know how though. It's not like I leave the door open.

I'm fine with it coming here. It's not like like it crashes everything or shits everywhere.

I soon heard a crash and I immediately scowled. "Whiskers where are you?" I called out trying to find the cat. I got the fright of my life when shoes appeared in front of my eyes. I looked up to see a maid.

I gave out a slight yell when I saw her face. "You are one freaky cat".

She wore an apron and her short blonde hair had been cut to a boy cut. Her brown eyes where shining menacingly. She had permanent frown lines.

I hated this maid. Her name was Rose. She acted like a snob around me, treating me like dirt but is an angel around my mother. I used to have this maid, Kristine, when I was five years old. She was the best. She was nice, caring and told me stories during the night. That night my mother and I had a fight. And I said some unexpected stuff to her. Next day Kristine had left. I asked my mom where she went but she said she moved away. I don't think that's the real story.

Then I needed a replacement as a maid. And that's where Rose comes along.

"I'm not a cat you mutant" she scowled at me.

"Why are you in here? I told my mom a year ago that I didn't need maids or cooks so she got rid of them all" I asked.

We used to have heaps of maids and cooks. Only I didn't need them. And my mother and father were barely home so they didn't need them either. I persuaded my mom to move them to another house because we didn't need them. She agreed. Since then, we haven't had any.

She smiled. And trust me, it wasn't pretty. "Well I talked to her about it. A little bit of persuading and here we are. She's hired me as a maid and two cooks"

"What exactly did you say?"

Her smile disappeared and she scowled again. "That doesn't matter, but I am now a maid here so you better treat me with respect or I'll tell your mother something that'll make you get booted all the way to boarding school".

An evil glint made it's way onto her face.

I gasp. How does she know about it?

And she should be treating me with respect.

She smiled at my silence. "That's a good girl" she ruffled my hair.

As soon as she was out of sight I tried to fix my hair. "I just spent an hour doing this" I grumbled.

I need that maid fired. I need her to do something that'll make my mom fire her.

I made a mental note to buy cameras and went to the kitchen. I was met by Jackson, the chef.

He saw me and a smile made it's way onto his face. "Lana, it's been too long"

I hugged him and sat down. "I know"

"So what do you want to eat?" He asked showing me the menu.

I slapped the menu down. "I can make my own breakfast, and I don't want anything fancy"

He pouted. "But your mom will realise and fire me"

I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour. "Just some yoghurt and muesli"

He hummed a reply. "Healthy"

While I waited for my breakfast I called my mother.

She sounded tired and busy. "Yes?"

I ignored her rude tone. "Why do we have a maid and two cooks?"

She sighed. "Because it is very irresponsible for me to leave you alone, you need someone to look after you and clean your things when your not around. You could get sick from all of the dust sitting around"

I mentally scoffed at this. Since when did she care about my well-being?

"Thanks for your concern mom" my voice dripped with sarcasm. "But unfortunately, there is no dust and I tend to make my bed and put my clothes away every day. I'm not a kid anymore" I pointed out. "And why do we even need cooks?"

"Because you need someone to make you breakfast, lunch and dinner"

I rolled my eyes. "Once again mom. I'm not a kid, I'm perfectly capable of making my own meals like I've done for the past year"

She sighed in frustration. "Lana I'm very busy right now so I'll talk to you tonight"

I faked sounding surprised. "Oh so you'll be home tonight" before mumbling "about time"

"Goodbye Lana"

"Mom-" I started but the line went dead.

Jackson put down a bowl. There was a line of muesli, a line of yoghurt, and a line of berries. I ask for something simple, yet he makes it into something amazing. He gave me a sympathetic smile. "Your parents not around?"

I shook my head. "Barely around" I rested my chin on my hands and sighed in anger. "I just wish they'd understand"

"What's wrong?" He asked noticing I was talking about something else.

I explained what my mother had told me. About leaving to boarding school. There was a long silence after it.

He smiled reassuringly. "In this situation, I think you just have to do what she said. There's no way getting out if this situation"

I nodded. He was right. I had to do what was right. I thought back to the whiteboard Luke had wrote on. All of the steps. Piece of cake.


I grinned at Maya. She glared at me and stuffed another tablespoon of corn flakes into her mouth.

It was 7:30 now. I decided to drive to Luke's house to take Maya to school. Like I expected, she wasn't up yet. Sarah let me in just as she was on the way out to work with Sam. I checked Maya's alarm and it was set at 8am. Being the great friend I am I set her alarm clock at 8:30 and changed the clock to 8:30. When she woke up she immediately saw the time and scrambled out of bed. She got changed in 2 minutes and started eating her breakfast in a mad rush. I happened to be on my phone and she saw the time. She hit me really hard on the arm.

"Your such a bitch" she grumbled.

I smiled gleefully at her. "Why thank you. It's one of my best qualities"

The grumbled on whilst Luke walked in. He wore black jeans and a white top with a bag slung around his arm.

"I'm off" he waved.

Maya glared at him. "Who am I going to ride with?"

He grabbed a fruit bar. "I thought you had friends" he walked out of sight and the door shut soon later.

I raised my eyebrows up and down suggestively at her. She sighed sadly and sank down in her chair in misery.

Sorry, I haven't posted in quite a bit as I've been on vacation. I know Christmas was a few days ago but anyway, merry christmas! I hope y'all enjoyed yourselfs. What did you guys get?

Updating soon.
Remember to comment and vote.
~ Ashley.

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