Chapter 27 | Stage 2, denial

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C H A P T E R 2 7
| S T A G E 2 D E N I A L |

You know those days when you suddenly have that motivation to do something? Like organise your room, cook a few meals and do a little exercise?

I definitely did not want to do that. All I wanted was to sit in bed and watch Netflix. And do a bit of studying. Because we were meant to go over notes last night for the test but that didn't go to plan. So now I was on my own. And I knew I couldn't ask Maya because I don't want to be a burden.

Here I was in light grey sweatpants and a dark grey tank top laying in bed and watching how to get away with murder. I happen to always be switching from one show to another.

My phone rang next to me and I glared at it. I waited for it to stop ringing and it did. But then it started again. I pushed away my blanket and grabbed my phone pressing the button.

"Yeah?" I asked in a raspy voice. I cleared my throat realising how creepy it sounded.

"Oh no honey" Stacey started in disbelief.

"What?" I asked rather confused.

"Are you still in bed? And is that Netflix your watching? Please don't tell me your wearing sweatpants too?" She asked.

I looked down at my sweatpants. "No, I'm downstairs eating breakfast and watching t.v." I lied.

"Your lying. It's because of that Luke guy isn't it? Gosh I always hated him" she started.

"No you actually liked him. I distinctively remember you asking for his number" I recalled making a point.

She ignored my comment. "Get your ass out of your bed and meet me at the nail salon. Meet in 10" and she hung up.

I threw my phone on the middle of the bed in frustration.

I ignored the sluggish feeling and stood up stretching slightly.

I tiredly strolled to my wardrobe and picked out a summer blue dress with white sandals. I brushed my hair and left it down.

I grabbed my keys and drove to the salon.

Stacey wore denim shorts and a grey tank top with sunglasses placed over her hair.

She punched me lightly on my arm. "Your fault we haven't talked in ages"

I shrugged as we entered the salon and paid the money for the manicure.

"You mean my mother's fault" I corrected her.

"So tell me everything" she gave me a look.

I opened my mouth to start but she interrupted. "And I mean everything"


And for the next two hours I told her everything. Not missing out on a single detail.

"And he was so cold towards me" I shook my head in confusion at my thoughts.

"I didn't order this shade of purple" she muttered her face scrunched up in confusion and staring at her nails.

"And he said something about his past relationship" I spoke.

"It should be a lighter purple" she murmured.

"Stacey" I said exasperated.

Her eyes immediately left her nails and looked at me apologetically. "Sorry, it's just they got the wrong colour"

I gave her a look and she sat up facing me. "From what I heard. You like Luke-" she started.

I scrunched my face in confusion. "What?! Are you crazy, how did you get that from what I told you?" I asked.

She smiled her eyes twinkling with humour. "Trust me honey. You just spent an hour talking to me about Luke. I distinctively remember you not even giving two shits about Mike when you guys broke up. You didn't cry and that's a sign"

"That's not what happens on everyone's breakup" I pointed out.

"Yes it does. Anyway back to the point. You like Luke and he likes you. But Luke is being a total douche right now and it's got to do with his past" she explained.

"So, what do I do?" I ask actually wanting advice from Stacey. Trust me, asking advice from Stacey is a very stupid idea.

"Find out his past" She shrugged casually.

"You were the one that told me to not go digging around people's past" I raised a brow at her.

"Why do you have such a good memory?" She mumbled under her breath.

"If you like Luke you won't give up on your relationship. It's simple" she shrugged nonchalantly.

"You know what, that's a great idea. I'll just go up to him and tell him I really like him and he'll just turn around and be like I'm sorry And then we'll live happily ever after" I said sarcastically before giving Stacey a look.

A smile threatened it's way on her face. "Do what you want, but that's my advice"

I looked down at my nails deep in thought. But if he liked me, he wouldn't tell me to get lost.

This made me really wonder about his past. It must've been a really rough one.

"Starbucks on Monday after school?" Stacey broke my train of thought.

"Yeah. Can I invite Maya?" I asked.

From what I recalled only Stacey, Matt, Riley and I were going.

She nodded. "Just be prepared if Luke comes"

I frowned. "Why would he come if we didn't invite him?" I asked.

"We might not invite him. But the others might" she pointed out.

I took in her information. It was of course true. As Luke is Maya's brother. And Luke is good friends with Riley.

Sorry it's been ages since I've updated.
Anyway thoughts on the chapter?

Updating soon.
Remember to comment and vote.
~ Ashley

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