Chapter 17

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"Let's get it crunk up on
Have fun up on up in this dancery
We got y'all open, now ya floatin'
So you gots to dance for me
Don't need no hateration
Holleration in this dancery
Let's get it percolatin', while you're waitin'
So just dance for me."
Mary J. Blige "Family Affair"


I was mesmerized by her slim thick body that was covered in glitter and shined in the moonlight that was coming through the glass walls. Her long hair, beautiful lips, curvy hips, brown skin, and plump bottom had me daydreaming before we got down to business.

I was drowning deep into her ocean and it kept sucking me in, but I wasn't complaining. She tasted as sweet as honey with her thick thighs wrapping around my head. She had a look of ecstasy on her face, making me want her even more. I was about to take her on a ride that she would never forget until...

"Happy birthday, my n*gga!" I quickly opened my eyes and immediately got blinded by silly string, accompanied by jumping on the bed that almost made me hit my head on the ceiling.

"Guys, stop! I get it." I am so pissed right now. I was so close to having Ashanti in my dream. I think this dream game along because I haven't gotten any in so long. I can't complain because I wouldn't trade Ashanti for any other girl in this world.

"How does it feel to be 24?" Chris asked.

"I don't feel any different. I didn't really plan to anything today, except probably going out to eat with y'all, the rest of the crew, and my baby."

"You're the youngest one out of all of us, but you act like a grandpa. We need to celebrate until it's no longer your birthday!" Sean exclaimed. I didn't pay him any mind as I looked at my notifications, seeing birthday wishes from my Momma, Chandra, my manager, some of my other friends, and my fans. However, I didn't see anything from Ashanti though; maybe she's still sleeping.

"Guess what I got?" Sean pulled out some blunts.

"Aye! We're about to get lit." Chris is turnt up to the max and I still have sleep in my eyes. I yawned and got out of the bed to stretch. Sean got things popping and let me take the first hit. "Man, today you are going to—." Sean kicked Chris with his left foot. I didn't pay much mind to it because I'm just trying to get high like the sky. I think it's already kicking in.

"What?" Chris asked.

"My bad. My foot was spazzing." Sean replied. You know how people think everything is hilarious when they're blazed? I am one of them as I started  rolling on the floor in laughter. I suddenly heard my phone ringing and when I looked at the screen, I saw that it was Ashanti calling, which put a smile on my face.

"What's up, baby?"

"Hey Auggie. Is Chris there?" I felt my heart fall into my stomach when Ashanti didn't mention my birthday.

"Yeah, but aren't you—."

"August, pass him the phone; it's important!"

"Whatever." I grumbled, giving Chris the phone. Ashanti just blew my high. I got something for her *ss. Just watch when I see her.

"I hear you loud and clear. Bye." Their conversation ended and I was pouting like a little kid.

"Why do you look like that?" Sean asked me.

"Bro, can you believe Queen didn't say happy birthday to me?"

"Maybe she forgot." He shrugged and I got up to go to the kitchen to find something to eat because I had the munchies.

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