Chapter 1

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Okay so I'm going to edit this in because people keep correcting me when I say 'Yous' I know I've said that if you see something that isn't right then yous can comment because it doesn't bother me but if you see the word 'yous' anywhere in my book don't tell me it's wrong! That's what I say, it may annoy you but I'm not going to change it. Sorry 🤷‍♀️

Introducing EllieMy name is Ellie Salvatore, I am 20 years old and I live with my best friend in Los Angeles

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Introducing Ellie
My name is Ellie Salvatore, I am 20 years old and I live with my best friend in Los Angeles. I have a job in a local cafe and I have worked there for 3 years. I don't have any close family members as my mum and dad moved to Australia for a new job and we stopped contacting each other. I have an older brother but I don't speak to him as I haven't seen or heard from him since I was 15.

Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of birds singing and the sun staring into my eyes. I get out of Bed, close the curtains and walk into my bathroom to get a shower. Once I'm out of the shower I get changed into my work clothes and head to the kitchen to see what Rachel (my best friend/ sister) has made for breakfast.

"Something smells good"

"Thanks, I got a new perfume" Rachel says while smelling her shirt

"Not you, you idiot I was talking about the food"

"Well in that case your not getting any" she says with her arms crossed

"Fine, you smell beautiful now pass me the bacon"

"No, you should have thought about that when you called me an idiot and said the food smelled better than me"

"well I don't want your poisonous food anyway" I say while crossing my arms and sticking my tongue out at her

"Good because you weren't getting any anyway" she shouts back at me and after having a mini staring contest, that I obviously won, we both just burst out laughing

We sit and talk about random things that comes into our heads as we eat our breakfast and then before we know it, it was time to head to work.

"I don't finish until 6 o'clock and I'm going to stay at Josh's tonight" Rachel said as she starts to wash up our plates (Josh is Rachel's boyfriend)

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow then" I replied as I was walking out the door


"Bye" I shout back before the door to our apartment closes

I decided to take the stairs and as I start to walk to the last couple of stairs somebody pushes past me causing me to lose my balance and tumble down the remaining stairs, the person falls to the ground. "Sorry" a male voice says while standing up and walking down the last few stairs and reaching out his hand to help me up.

"It's okay and thanks for helping me up" I say back to him

"Your welcome, I would love to stay and chat but I really need to go" he says with a quick smile and then runs off again

"Wait you dropped something" I shout after him but he was already gone, I walk back up the last 3 stairs to pick up what he dropped only to find out it was a gun! I didn't know what to do and I started to panic. I can't just leave it laying here I think to myself what if some kid sees it and takes it thinking it's a toy? They could hurt themselves with it! And I can't exactly put it in the bin, that would cost so much suspension and someone would call the police and my fingerprints would be on it! So I done the only thing I could think of... I picked it up, put in in my backpack and headed to work.

End of chapter 1

I hope you liked this chapter! This is my first story. I hope you continue to read it, it would mean a lot to me!

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