Chapter 32

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Josh's P.O.V

I was at the shooting range with my best friend mike when I got a call from my boss. I didn't freak out like the rest of them do when they see the caller ID is Kai because I just thought that he wanted me to go on another mission. I was so wrong. Once he mentioned Ellie, my sister I freaked out. I couldn't believe he knew my sister and every worst case scenario... was she part of an enemy Mafia? Did he kidnap her to torture her for information? Was she found dead? Is she completely obsessed with him after they had a one night stand? That one freaked me out even thinking about my little sister having sex, I know she's 20 now but I still didn't wanna think about it.

When he told me she was here and living in the main mansion I didn't know whether it was a good thing or not.  I asked him why and once again I wasn't sure if the answer was a good thing or a bad thing. He said that he likes her and that he has chosen her to be his, all I knew was that if it was by force there was no way I was going to let him keep her. I don't care if he's by boss or not I wouldn't allow him to do that to my wee sister. I had to leave her and I know she probably hates me but I love her and I will protect her.

He told me that I was going to have the chance to meet her in a few days, I couldn't wait and I hoped she didn't hate me but then again in her eyes I just left her behind for no reason. She didn't know what happened and I know that I could have done more to try to get her back especially since I was now in a Mafia, the strongest one in America at that, I suppose I just didn't want her finding out or being in danger so I didn't try to contact her. I hope she'll understand, I'll understand and be devastated if she doesn't want to forgive me but I totally get it.

I couldn't wait to see her, I was so excited.


I was walking up to the entrance of the main mansion, once I walked through the door Kai, my boss, was there to greet me.

"She's just up getting ready" he says, I was nervous, extremely nervous... what if she didn't forgive me?

"Does she want to see me?" I asked the question that had been on my mind ever since I heard she was here

"I don't think she knows what she wants, she didn't at the start, she didn't even want me to tell you she was here but then Lucas talked her into it" I didn't know what to say after that so I only nodded and then we went to wait for her and Lucas in the living room.

It has been 5 minuets already and I am starting to think she changed her mind and doesn't want to come down. I am obviously upset but I completely understand. I looked up once heard footsteps and once I saw her I was so happy that she didn't change her mind and she came down.

Kai and Lucas left after a while to go do work or something, I didn't really care what they were doing I was just happy to talk to my sister. I explained everything to her about why I left and I didn't know if she believed me or was going to forgive me.

"I'm so sorry Ellie, please give me another chance and believe me when I say I really did miss you and I love you so much" I said, I really was sorry and I really did miss her, I love her so much she's my little sister. "I know I made a big mistake but I promise I'll make it up to you please" I beg

"I don't know Josh" she says, looking down at her knee and fiddling with her fingers, something she does when she's nervous or doesn't know what to say.

"I understand" I say sadly and was about to stand up

"I'm sorry" she says and starts crying, I quickly sit down beside her

"You don't need to say sorry, please don't cry it's alright" I say, she wipes her tears and sniffs

"I'm so sorry Ellie, I never meant to hurt you like this" I say

"I missed you s-so much Josh and you weren't there for me, I needed you and you were gone. I never even knew why you left I thought you just abandoned me and didn't care about m-me anymore" she says, I pull her into me

"I would never stop caring about you El, your my little sister and I love you so much, I messed up I shouldn't have let mum control me like that and I should have fought harder to get you but I was scared, once I joined this Mafia I didn't want to put you in danger and I'm so sorry"

"Why-why did you join a Mafia?" She asked, I was expecting this question and I was dreading it, I didn't know how to answer I didn't know why I did it in the first place. It was a stupid mistake but I don't regret it

"I don't know, I guess I just needed a place to stay and money. I know t was stupid joining a Mafia but at that time I wasn't thinking and now, I wouldn't change it I love it here and I know how dangerous it is but I guess I love that to. The only thing I would do differently is not coming to get you and I'm forever going to regret it and I'm sorry but I just didn't wanna drag you into all of this. I-I didn't wanna put you in danger but I suppose I didn't do a very good job at that considering your here now"

Ellie's P.O.V

"I understand you didn't want to put me in danger and I appreciate it, I understand what you did and I forgive you" I say, I knew he wasn't lying and I now know that he really does care about me. I know I probably shouldn't forgive him so fast but I can't help it, he's my brother and I do trust him, I now he didn't wanna bring me into this dangerous life and I understand he was only trying to keep me safe, I'm not saying I agree with what he done by not contacting me but I do understand and I do forgive him!

"Really?" He asks excitedly

"Really, I don't agree with what you did by not contacting me but I do understand that you were only trying to keep me safe and for that I do forgive you" I say and he gives me a big hug

"I'm so glad you forgive me and I'm so sorry" He says

"It's alright" I say and give him a hug

"So how did you get here?"

I explained to him how I got here, making sure to include every little detail.

"Woah, how did I not hear about this?" He laughs

"I don't know, I don't think many people know well I hope they don't" I say

"Do you like Kai?" He asks

"I don't know, not really but I'm scared of him and he won't let me leave I was going to give him a chance but then he really annoyed me" I say, if I was being honest I thought he was hot but I'm not sure how I feel about him

"I'll kill him if he forces you to do anything you don't want to do" he says angrily

"Oh will you?" I gasp and turn around to face an amused but annoyed Kai

"Please don't start arguing again" Lucas sighs

"Remember I'm your boss" Kai says again "and I wouldn't force her into anything, I'm not sick" he says

"Good" Josh said

"But even if I did force her into anything you wouldn't be doing anything about it" he says angrily and come to sit beside me. He pulls me into his side "she's mine"

"She's my sister" Josh says

"Stop it" I say annoyed that they are arguing

They stop arguing and we decided to watch a movie. We put on Pirates of the Caribbean the first and best one and Lucas goes to get snacks. He comes back with the whole lot, popcorn, Maltesers, nachos, crisps and bottles of water for everyone. We turn the lights off and start to watch the movie.

Josh stayed for dinner, we had streak and chips and after we went down to the game room and the boys played on the x box, I just sat their and watched them. It was fun, we were acting like we were all best friends and me and josh were acting like nothing even happened. I liked it, it was just like before.

End of chapter 32

Hope you enjoyed!

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