Chapter 13

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Ellie's P.O.V

It has been a couple of days now since Kai told be about the party, he asked me again later that day about what was wrong with me but I told him I was fine and he just let it go. He's been different in these last couple of days, he's being really nice to me and told me I no longer had to clean the house and play maid, which I was quite grateful for. He also keeps finding different ways with being with me, like ordering me to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with him, sometimes he'd ask me to get him coffee and yesterday he made me sit with him while he was doing gang work in his office. It was weird I just sat their in front of him while he was typing away on his laptop and phone and every five minutes he'd ask me if I'm okay or if I needed anything. To be honest it's actually really weird, it's almost as if he cares about me.

Today I'm going to try my hardest to avoid him, so far I've made it to lunch time without seeing him. Oscar came up and said that I was requested to go down to have breakfast with Kai but I told him to tell Kai to go ahead and eat without me because I was going to get a bath, honestly I don't know if that was such a good idea I mean saying no to a Mafia leader! Aw well too late now.

I'm currently lying in bed, I haven't left my room all day. After Oscar left earlier I got a bath and then just went back to bed. I'm starting to get hungry so I think now would be a good time to get out of bed and go downstairs. I get up from bed and throw on some clothes and then make my way downstairs to the kitchen. As I get closer to the kitchen I hear voices, I slow down and peek my head through around the door and see Oscar, Kai and Will standing their talking. Not wanting to be around Kai I turn and quickly walk away but it seems like luck isn't on my side as Kai calls my name

"Ellie?" Shoot! I walk faster hoping to get around the corner before he sees me again

"Stop and come here!" His voice sounds annoyed and demanding, this can't be good!

I turn around and walk back to the kitchen slowly, all the boys are standing at the entrance of the kitchen. Kai is Standing in at the front with his arms crossed but he's not showing any emotion on his face, so I don't know what he's thinking.

"Are you trying to avoid me?" Kai speaks, his face now showing that he is quite annoyed

"N-no of co-course not, why would y-you think that?" I curse at myself for stuttering and being a bad liar hopefully he doesn't realise though

"Did nobody ever tell you that lying can get you into a lot of trouble?" He asks, what is wrong with him? He was never like this, he just basically ignored me and that was it.

"Uh Umm Sorry?" It comes out more as a question and I once again curse at myself for acting like this

"Why are you avoiding me? What's wrong?" He asks, I don't know what to tell him, I mean I'm bad at lying but I don't want to tell him that he has been acting weird because that could just be me over reacting... is it? Am I just exaggerating?

"I'm not" does that sound believable?

"Don't lie to me! I don't like liars" I guess it wasn't believable

"It's ju-just you've been acting really s-strange lately"

"Strange? What do you mean I've been acting strange?" He asks

"It doesn't matter" I say

"Yes it doesn't now hurry up and tell me before I get impatient!"

"Calm down Boss" Will says, to be honest I forgot that Will and Oscar were here because they haven't said anything

"No I will not calm down, she's mine and she's trying to avoid me and I will not allow that!" He shouts at Will "now the both of you leave so I can talk to Ellie alone!" Will and Oscar both leave without saying a word and now I'm standing in front of a very annoyed Kai, who says I'm his? What does that even mean?

"What do you mean I'm yours?" I ask confused

"I mean your mine, what else would I mean? It's pretty clear to me" He says, who does he think he is trying to say he owns me? And most importantly what happened to him? Where did all this come from? He wasn't like this a few days ago!

"I'm not yours!" The words come out of my mouth before I can stop myself but I meant it all, he can't claim me as his!

"Yes you are, wanna know why? Because I said so!" He shouts stepping closer to me, I take a step back

"What is wrong with you? Where did all this come from?" I ask stepping back every time he steps forward

"I want you as mine, your different from other girls, you don't throw yourself at me"

"That's because you kidnapped me! Why would I like you? You took me away from my life and now you want to pretend as if I'm yours? Ha I'll never be yours!" I don't know where it all came from but I'm so annoyed right now, he can't claim me! I'm not an item that he can just own.

"That's where your wrong because your mine whether you like it or not! Nobody says no to me" I don't know what happened to him, he wasn't like this at all when I first got here and now he's being all possessive. I don't know what to do I'm afraid if I say the wrong thing I'll make him even more mad.

End of chapter, Sorry it's short I just want to get it out!

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