Chapter 58

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Ellie's P.O.V

Hell. That's what the past year has been like. I can't be bothered anymore and I just want to leave this stupid mansion! I hate it here and I hate Kai! He's a dickhead and I never want to see him again! We have done nothing but fight and argue the past year and I'm fed up with it. I'm not sticking around here any longer and if he thinks I'm going to stay here and allow I'm to shout and scream at me Day in day out he has another thing coming.

I wipe my tears thinking about all the stupid arguments we have had lately, and all the serious ones. I'm laying on my bed in my old bedroom, I moved back in here a few months ago not wanting to sleep beside Kai anymore. I keep trying to think about all the good times but my head keeps wandering away from the good memories to the bad ones. I can't deal with this anymore!

With that last thought I stand up out of bed and go into my closet. I'm leaving this hell hole and going far away from here. It will be hard to be away from all my friends here but nothing is changing and no matter how hard I try to make things go back to the way they were it didn't work me and Kai don't work. I'll get over it eventually, it will be hard but not as hard as it is at the moment fighting with Kai all the time. He hit me the other day, slapped me in the face, it wasn't hard enough to leave a mark and it didn't hurt that bad but that's not the point. He lifted his hands onto me, he's been so angry it's almost as if he's on his period. He apologised repeatedly for hitting me and lashing out on me the way he did. He said he didn't mean it, maybe he didn't mean it but it doesn't change the fact that for the last year we haven't been the same, we have been fighting constantly and I'm sick and tired of fighting.

I don't know how I'm going to leave Rachel, I'll miss her so much and I'll miss Oscar, Lucas, Marcus, Savannah, little Ollie and all the other guys. Hell I'll probably miss Kai too but I need to focus on me and making me happy again. I'm not in a good place right now, it just seems like me and Kai are fighting 24/7 and I'm fed up.

"Elwiee" Ollie's cute little voice calls out, I step out of the closet and wipe the tears away before Ollie sees them. He's a smart kid for a one year old.

"Hey little guy" I smile, crouching down to his level and engulfing him in a hug. Kissing his cheek and ruffling his hair. He lets out an adorable giggle as I tickle his sides. "Where's your mummy?" I ask him

"Wiving room" he tells me

"Now how did you get up here all by yourself?" I ask him

"Unclwe Kai hewlped me" he says. At the mention of Kai's name tear rush to my eyes again, I remember the time when I used to love that man. A part of me still does but only a little part.

"Oh I see, and where is uncle Kai?" I ask the little bundle of joy

"His ooffics" he says, I felt myself relax knowing that he's no where near me. I'm not in the mood for arguing, especially in front of Ollie. Last time we were having a shouting match and Ollie walked into the room he was afraid of me for 3 days until I gave him ice cream. "Can you pway with me?" He asks with a bright smile on his face, bringing me out of my thoughts

"I'm a little busy right now, sorry" I say to him, his wee face drops and his eyes start to tear up

"Pwease?" He begs, he really has mastered the putty dog eyes. How could I say no to that face? You'd have to be heartless to upset such a cute innocent little kid like Ollie, he's definitely nothing like his mum or dad.

"Okay, come on then" I say picking him up and putting him on my shoulders. He lets out a surprised squeal mixed with a giggle. I make my way to his bedroom, it's covered in toys. He's got everything from toy cars, to toy army men. "What do you want to play with?" I ask him, bringing him down from my shoulder and setting him carefully on his bright blue carpet.

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