Update on new story

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Okay so I changed the description of my story and I thought I'd put it on here. I now have 9 chapters on it and I think I'll publish it soon as I like where it's going.

I end up in an alley way, I hear shouting and immediately stop once I see where it's coming from.

Three men, two beating one up that is lying on the ground being kicked hard by the other two.

"WHERE IS MY MONEY?" One shouts pulling out a gun, I so badly wanted to help the man on the ground but I knew I couldn't do anything without being killed and I felt bad, I also knew I had to get out of here but I somehow couldn't force myself move

The man on the ground says something but I couldn't hear it properly, however I know it wasn't good as the man with the gun let's out an angry groan and kicks him hard

"Not good enough" the man says and shoots the guy on the head, I let out loud scream and the two men snap their heads to me

"Well what do we have here?" The man holding the gun says as he makes his way over to me, before he could get any closer I hear another gun shot and another and the two men in front of me drop to the ground and I let out another loud ear piercing scream before a hand covers my mouth and my scream becomes muffled

I'm pulled back into a hard chest "you didn't think you could get away from me that easily did you princess?" I knew the who the voice belongs to and I knew now that I was never going to get away from him

"I told you your MINE and now you've tried to escape me 3 times now and I'm very VERY angry" he shouts, oh no this isn't good!


Lucy is an abused girl that works in a restaurant, she gets abused by the people who adopted her. Her real parents died when she was little and the people who adopted her have never been good to her.

Jackson is the leader of the most feared gang in New York, he stops at a restaurant one day and takes interest in a waitress that works there, he decides that he wants her and that he will do anything to have her, if she likes it or not she is his.

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