Chapter 61

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Ellies P.O.V

It's been 3 weeks since I've broken up with Max, I miss him so much but I know it's for the best. Kai has been trying to phone me non stop, I keep ignoring his calls though. I'm surprised he hasn't came bursting through my front door demanding me to talk to him.

I dont know what I'm going to do with my life, I can't have a boyfriend because I'm afraid that he may end up at the bottom of the ocean dead where not even the fish can find him because that's how crazy Kai is.

I've been ignoring everyone for the past 3 weeks, I don't want to talk to anyone, I'm just not in the mood to socialize. Savannah and Rachel came over 2 days ago and the only thing I said was "could yous both please leave I'm not in the mood" They protested but after about 10 minutes of awkward silence they left.

I've got a bunch of missed calls and unopened messages from Max, I can't bring myself to answer and hear his voice, or read his texts. I feel awful for breaking up with him after what had happened. Everytime I think about it tears threaten to fall. I thought breaking up with him was for the best but that's not true, I mean sure it keeps him safe but it doesn't keep either one of us happy. However I'm not about to get back with him just to make myself happy again, he could get hurt and it would be my fault.

I have to do this, its better and safer for him.

Kai's P.O.V

Patience is one thing I've never really had, or have been good at keeping. everytime I phone Ellie and she doesn't answer makes it harder and harder to control my anger.

I miss Ellie like crazy and I'm sick and tired of her ignoring me.

I understand why she is, I shouldn't have acted the way I did but I was mad. If I'm being honest I was also a little hurt and upset that she had moved on and was happy with another boy. I would never admit that out loud though, I am a Mafia leader, and one of the strongest and most powerful there is. I shouldn't be feeling this way over a girl.

But that girl was my first love, I've never loved any other female other than my mother the way I loved Ellie. I realise now that I maybe didn't show it that well, especially at the start and towards the end of our relationship. I'll admit I screwed up. I shouldn't have gotten so angry at her and I shouldn't have hurt that stupid boy.

I screwed up quite a lot in my life and I know I've made some very bad mistakes, I don't regret any of them though. Life is too short to regret things, it's too short to think "what if I didn't do this"

I know I shouldn't have done some things and I also know that what I'm about to do I shouldn't and I might regret it but I might also regret it if I don't and that's a chance I'm willing to take.


It's been a few hours and it's currently 8 O'clock, I go outside and get into my car. I start driving to my destination.

It's only about a half an hour drive and since it's late there shouldn't be much traffic. I couldn't wait to get there.

I drive up to some traffic lights, just as I get there the lights go red. I've got no time or patience to be waiting so I just ignore them and continue driving. I've waited too long and there is no point in wasting more time.

My patience is slowly starting to in thin. I miss her so much I don't know how I've went so long without having her. She's mine, she has been from the moment I met her. Tonight I'm going to her house, and getting her back. She's coming home with me today no matter what.

I can see her house in the distance, I can't wait to see her beautiful face. I haven't seen her in 3 weeks and even before that I barely even saw her.

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