Chapter 59

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Kai's P.O.V

She can't leave me! I love her! She has been mine from the moment she got here and will be mine until we both die. I was so pissed off when I saw that her suitcase was out and that she was packing her clothes. I mean I know we fight, and we have been fighting a lot lately but that doesn't give her the right to just give up on me.

I made a big mistake the other day, I hit her. I told her I'd never hurt her and I broke that promise. I felt terrible, It's not the first time I hit her. But it will be the last!

I don't care what she does I'll refrain from hitting her. I need to get my anger under control but she just gets me so mad sometimes. Before I met her I was angry a lot, I would shout at my men and snap at them, I wouldn't hurt them, physically. Well unless I had a good reason to. When I met her I don't know how or why but something inside of me changed, I wasn't as angry anymore. I really like her and I can't imagine life without her.

When she broke up with me the other night I snapped and hit her. I regretted it instantly and apologised repeatedly. She said she forgive me but I'm not too sure if believed her or if I even forgave myself.

I'm currently sitting in my office, I've just locked Ellie in my bedroom. I'll bring her food in a bit she's probably hungry. I'm not going to let her leave me, plus all her friends are here and she has no where to go. A knock on my door brought me out from my thoughts.

"Who is it?" I ask


"What do want?" I ask her

"I need to talk to you" She answers back sternly


"Just open the door I'm not shouting through the door" she says

"The doors not locked" I tell her

"Oh" She replies before walking into the room and sitting down in one of the chairs in front of my desk

"How can I help?" I ask her with a smirk

"You need to stop being a moody dickhead and start to treat Ellie right again if you want her to even consider getting back together with you" She says, I feel my drop and myself becoming a little angry at the way she just spoke to me. Who does she think she is?

"Excuse me?" I threaten

"Yous are constantly fighting, and everybody especially her is fed up of it. Yous start fights over stupid things I'd expect to come from a 3 year old not 2 adults. Like last week yous started screaming at each other because she changed the channels on the tv show you were watching a-" before she finished her sentence I cut her off

"What's the point in this?" I ask not wanting to listen to her tell me about MY arguments. The only reason why me and Ellie fought over something so silly was because she started shouting at me when I told her I was watching that and changed it back and then she started being cheeky, saying that no one wanted to watching my boring shows and then it just got too carried away from there.

"Look I know you like Ellie, and she deep down still likes you but if you don't stop fighting and arguing she won't want you back. I know she can be a little cheeky and middy sometimes and then with your anger as well as her attitude it causes arguments but if yous both really like each other then yous have to sort something out" she says

"Yeah I know that which is why I'm not letting her leave" I tell her

"But maybe that's what yous both need! A break from all the screaming and shouting" she says

"ABSOLUTELY NOT! She's not leaving this mansion! She's my girlfri-"

"EX girlfriend! She broke up with you and I can certainly see why, yous shout and fight all the time and right now your raising your voice at me and getting angry when I'm just suggesting ways to improve your relationship so that maybe one day yous will be happy again"

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