Chapter 29

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Kai's P.O.V

I'm currently in my office and I just found out that Ellie has a older brother and that he is in my gang, he's 25 and his name is Josh. He's one of my best snipers and he's only been here for 5 years, and had no experience before he joined. He also doesn't know that his sister is here and Ellie doesn't know he is here. I found out that Josh was Ellie's brother when I was planning an attack on an enemy and was going to use him, I had recognised his second name and then found out - once I done a bit of research on him, that he was Ellie's brother.

It's been a few days since Ellie has been in that room, I'm going to let her out today and talk for her about her brother. She deserves to know. I wonder why he left and hasn't had contacted her, maybe they don't get alone? I'll find out later.

"Hey man, some of us are going to the cafe downtown you wanna come?" Lucas asks as he walks into my office

"Nah I'm busy, bring me back something" I say, he nods his head and walks out of my office

Lucas's P.O.V

"Can I have a large black coffee, and a large chocolate Frappuccino with a coffee base" I say to the lady at the counter. You may be wondering why we would come to a cafe instead of just making our own well to answer that this cafe has the best coffee ever, the Frappuccinos are to die for.

"Off course sir, can I take the name for the order?" She asks, I never really understood why places ask you for your name for your cup, it's so pointless you don't see kFC or McDonald's asking you for your name, they give you a number and call out your order. It's not like we are going to keep the cup and they spell our names wrong most of the time anyway.

"No thanks, I don't want my name on the cup, just call out my order when it's ready" I say and with that I walk out of the line and Will goes and orders next.

"One large black coffee and a large chocolate Frappuccino" the lady called out, I walked over and thanked her. Just as I was about to walk out the door it opens and someone walks into me, making me spill the coffee all down me

"Argh" I grown as it burns me

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that" I look up and see a girl, she was really pretty but I was mad about the coffee

"Yeah well watch where your going" I say angrily as I walk out of the cafe and into the car waiting for Will and Jackson to come out

"Lucas your supposed to drink the coffee not wear it" Will says as he sits in the passenger seat and starts laughing once he sees my shirt

"Ha ha very funny" I say, rolling my eyes

"What happened? Feel like trying out a new look?" He mocked, I punched his arm and he just laughs at me

"Shut up" I say and start to drive away from the cafe

"No but seriously what happened?" He asks

"A girl and bumped into me" I tell them what happened and they both burst out laughing, I shake my head and continue to drive back to the mansion


"I bought you a black coffee but unless you want to lick my shirt I don't think your going to want it" I say as I walk into Kai's office

"What happened?" He laughed

"Some girl bumped into me and spilt it all over me" I sigh

"Ha that's actually really funny" Kai says

"Yeah it's hilarious" I say as I sit down on the chair in front of his desk

"So whatcha doing?" I ask

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