Chapter 31

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Ellie's P.O.V

It's been a few days since I found out about my brother and Lucas has managed to convince me into meeting him. I was extremely nervous and I don't know why I agreed, I never wanted to meet him but Lucas talked me into it. I will be meeting him in a half hour and I'm currently just getting into the shower.

Apparently he was shocked but happy to find out that I was here, I didn't believe he was happy but I understood that he was shocked. Kai told me he said he couldn't wait to see me and that he missed me but if that were the case wouldn't he have texted me or phone me when I tried to get in contact with him when he left?

I just can't wait to get this stupid meeting over with and the only reason I'm doing it is to find out why he left, If there's a proper reason I might consider giving him a second chance but right now I don't really wanna meet him in fact I can't see it far enough.

After I'm finished in the shower I jump out and go to find clothes to wear. I didn't pick any out and I'm not worrying about what to wear because it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone it's only my brother who left me when I needed him. He knew I wasn't close to my parents and that they were barely home to look after me. I know I was 15 and I could look after myself but I couldn't cook the best and I was being bullied. My parents didn't really care, they thought it was just name calling but it was worse than that. Josh knew what I was going through in school and he was going to go to the school about it but I begged him not to cause it would only make matters worse.

I stopped thinking about what happened as I didn't wanna get upset. I'm a different person now and I won't let anyone bully me. I learned to stick up for myself.

"Ellie? Are you in here?" Lucas said as he walked into the bedroom, I was in my closet so he couldn't see me.

"No" I reply I hear him chuckle and then make his way over to where I was

"Are you decent?" He asked covering his eyes as he was about to walk into the closet

"Yes" he removed his hands from his face and looked at me

"Your brothers here" he says, I take a deep breath and sighed

"Do I have to do this?" I asked

"No you don't have to, but if you want answers I think you should" I nodded

"Yeah I need answers and then I don't wanna see him again"

"I think you should give him a chance" Lucas says

"You seem to be saying that a lot lately, do you think everyone in the world deserves chances?" I laugh, he shakes his head

"No it's just I think you would be good for Kai and I know him, he's like my brother and deep down he's not that bad. And your brother... well I just think because he's family you should talk to him find out what happened. You never know he might have a good reason"

"Anyway come on your already 5 minuets late from us talking don't wanna keep your brother waiting too long"

We made our way downstairs and into the living room. Once we entered I saw Kai sitting beside my brother. Josh looked just as nervous as me. He smiled at me a full happy smile and I give him a half smile back, the one you do when you pass someone you know but don't really like. He sighs and I make my way around and sit beside Kai, facing him.

"I'm sorry El" Josh says

"Don't call me that" I say harshly, he sighs. Lucas sits down beside me and I move closer to him away from Kai, Kai notices this and pulls me into his side. I try to get away from him. He just tightens his grip and Josh notices

"Are yous a thing?" He asks

"No" I say but at the same time Kai says yes. I look at him and narrow my eyes

"Your mine" Kai says and I notice Josh narrow his eyes at him

"I don't appreciate you treating my sister like an object" Josh says

"Watch it Salvatore I'm your boss and you don't get to tell me what to do" Kai threatens

"Okay lets not forget why we are here right now, it's for Ellie and Josh to talk not for yous to argue" Lucas says

"Your right, lets go and let them talk I have work to be doing anyway" Kai says as he stands up and tells Lucas to follow him. Before Lucas does follow him he looks at me as I'd to check if it's okay he leaves me alone with my brother I nod and he walks away with Kai.

They walk out and Josh turns to look at me

"Do you like Kai?" He asks

"Not that its any of your business but no I don't like him" I say however I wasn't sure about how I feel about him.

"You've changed"

"Off course I have, I'm not 15 anymore" I say

"Look I'm sorry Ellie that I left but you need to understand I didn't want to leave you in fact it was that bitch we call a mum that made me" He said

"How did she make you leave?" I ask not sure where he is going with his story

"She kicked me out of the house and told me I wasn't allowed anywhere near any of yous again. She even went as far as getting a restraining order and when tried to sneak in to see you the police came and I nearly went to jail and before you ask no I don't know why but just know I did try to get to you and I'm sorry I left you" I didn't know what to say or think. I wasn't sure if I believed him or not

"Look I know it sounds stupid but it's true, I had no where to go and then I found Kai and the Mafia, I joined and was going to try get you but I didn't wanna put you in danger" I sighed, I didn't know what to believe.

"I just don't understand why all of a sudden mum decided she didn't want you around. It doesn't make sense" I say

"I know but that woman was crazy and she never liked the fact that you loved me more than her" he says

"Well that's because she was never really around and she didn't care about me, she just went away with dad and when I told her about me being bullied she didn't do anything about it, none of them did apart from you" I said

"I'm so sorry Ellie, please give me another chance and believe me when I say I really did miss you and I love you so much" he says, I looked into his eyes he didn't look like he was lying and he even teared up a bit. There was no reason for him to be acting what would that do to benefit him? However I still didn't know what to do or think.

End of chapter 31

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading

What do you think of Josh? Do you think he's trustworthy?

Does he really care about Ellie?

If you haven't already please read my other book!

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