Chapter 7

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Ellie's P.O.V

It's the next day now and there is still no sign of the police or me getting out of here, Kai made sure that someone is watching me every minute. He introduced me to a guy named Lucas after breakfast and said he will have to be with me everywhere I go unless it's the bathroom, so he's basically my babysitter. Lucas is about 6 feet 3, he has short blonde hair and hazel eyes. He's a bit annoying because he never shuts up, like earlier I was tidying the living room and he wouldn't stop talking about how annoying his twin brother is and how his brother never shuts up about him being 3 minuets older. His brothers name is Oscar  and he is in the gang to, I don't know much about the gang all I really know is they are a gang and Kai is the leader. I don't know anyone in the gang apart from Kai, Will and Lucas but I've only been here a day so I don't expect to know everyone and Lucas told me that there is loads of members but only 10 of them live in this house, which still surprises me because I haven't seen anyone else here.

Right now me and Lucas are sitting in the living room watching Impractical Jokers on TV. The TV is massive! I'd say it's 150 inches if not bigger, my TV in my house is only 40 inches. Thinking about my house makes me upset, I miss Rachel and I want to go home but hopefully soon the police will find me or I'll figure a way out of here. I was to busy thinking about Rachel that I didn't notice I had been crying until Lucas was shaking me and asking me what's wrong.

"Ellie are you okay?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine" I say but the look on his face tells me that he doesn't believe me

"You don't need to lie, I know your not fine" He says wiping away my tears

"Why do you even care anyway? It's not like we are friends the only reason you are here is because Kai told you, that you had to watch me, if Kai didn't tell you to watch me then you wouldn't be here" I accuse

"Your right Kai did tell me to watch you, but he didn't tell me to talk to you or to act like a friend, I could have just ignored you and not been nice but instead I talked to you and tried to be your friend, so I'm sorry I was trying to help you, from now on I'll just let you cry" he says a bit hurt and walks over to the other sofa

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" I feel bad he was only trying to help, I shouldn't have snapped at him

"It's alright you've been through a lot, I'm surprised you didn't snap earlier" he turns back around and makes his way over, just as he was about to sit down his phone rang

"What's up Boss?" He asked into the phone

'I need you and Ellie to come to my office'

"Okay sure, we will be right there" Lucas says and puts his phone back into his pocket, I started to panic as I didn't hear what Kai said to him on the phone

"What's wrong? Where are we going?" I asked standing up

"I don't know Kai just said he needs us to go to his office, but don't worry I'm sure everything is fine"


Rachel's P.O.V

"Bye babe" Josh shouts as I am walking out the door

"Bye, love you" I shout back and just as I'm about to close the door he shouts back 'love you to'  Me and Josh have been dating for 5 years and I love him so much, he always makes me laugh even when I'm in a bad mood he makes me smile and that's one of the things a love about him. He is always surprising me with gifts like flowers or chocolates, and no I'm not a gold digger I buy him things as well. I hate gold diggers I honestly don't understand why you would be one, I'm in a relationship because I love my boyfriend not because he buys me things and has money, I love and respect him and he knows that as well and honestly if he was homeless I'd still go out with him because he's got such a kind heart and he's just amazing.

Anyway enough  about Josh, I'm going home and I can't wait to see Ellie, my  best friend. She's off work today and I can't wait to see her, I know I seen her yesterday morning but I miss her she's literally the best! She's always there for me and she makes me laugh and we have so much in common and I just can't wait to see her.

Our house isn't long away from Josh's but it's taking me nearly two hours to get home because there was a car crash and the road leading to mine and Ellie's house was blocked so I had to go the long way and there was so much traffic. I hate being stuck in traffic, it's so boring and it makes me sleepy. Normally when I'm driving I have Ellie in the car with me and then it's not to bad being stuck in traffic because I have company but now it's just me I don't know what to do! I tried to phone Ellie but her phone, must be dead because it went straight to answer machine ugh! Whatever I'll just listen to the radio.

Finally I'm home! I got out of the car, locked it and then went into the house. I called Ellie but she didn't answer so she must be out shopping or something,  trust her to leave the house and not have her phone charged. I decided I'm just going to go have an hour sleep because I'm exhausted.

I woke up needing to pee and ran to the bathroom, I didn't hear Ellie or the TV and I was starting to get worried. I phoned her phone again but it went straight to answer machine again, I texted her a bunch of times before I called her cousin Sophia to see if she has heard from her.


"Hey Sophia, it's me Rachel is Ellie at yours?"

"No, she phoned me yesterday saying she was coming to mine but she never came, I didn't think much of it. I thought she just went back home"

"Why didn't you phone her when she didn't show up?!" I was seriously annoyed and worried I mean how stupid can you be? If someone says they are coming to your house and don't show up you phone them!

"I'm sorry I just didn't think"

"Well next time think you idiot, I don't know where she is and I haven't heard from her!" I shouted at her and then hung up

Where could she be? I hope she's okay! Wait maybe she's at Lily's? After all it's her birthday tomorrow, I remember Ellie talking about it to me the other day asking me for help because she didn't know what to get her, but the only problem is I don't know lily and I don't have her number to phone and ask if Ellie is there or not. Ugh! This is so frustrating.

I decided I was going to go to Ellie's work and ask for Lily's number and just as I was about to leave my phone started ringing, I was so happy and relieved when I seen the caller ID, it was Ellie!

End of chapter 7

Ellie is phoning Rachel? How could that be when Ellie got Kidnapped and doesn't have her phone?

And What did Kai want Ellie and Lucas for?

Read next chapter to find out

Hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you think

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