Chapter 18

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Ellie's P.O.V

I woke up by Kai shaking me telling me to get up and that he was taking me somewhere. I didn't know where and when I asked him he said it was a secret and that I was to go get a shower and he'd leave clothes out for me. I didn't want to go anywhere with him but I got up anyway.

I'm currently in the shower and let me tell you his bathroom is amazing! He's got a big circle bathtub and a massive shower, there is two sinks and a Jacuzzi! Who has a jacuzzi in their bathroom? I so wanted to get in it but I wasn't about to start relaxing here, I wouldn't even get the chance.

I take forever in the shower because I'm scared of not knowing where Kai wants to take me, I can't help but think the worse. I'm just standing here letting the hot water run down my body, I hear the bedroom door opening.

"Ellie hurry up! We have to leave in 15 minuets and you still haven't had breakfast" Kai shouts from the bedroom, he doesn't sound sound angry but he does sound a bit frustrated.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me and went over to the door. I opened the door and peeked my head through, seeing Kai sitting on the bed beside my clothes.

"Can you pass me my clothes" I ask, Kai looks at me and smirks

"Sure" He says and picks my clothes up and throws them at the bathroom door, I huff and bend down to get them, forgetting that I'm in a towel until it slips off and lands of the floor, I scream and Kai just laughs but then he does something that surprised and made me grateful for. He turned around and looked the other way.

I pick up the towel and clothes and went back into the bathroom. Once I was finished getting dried changed, I walked back into the bedroom. Kai hadn't realised yet he was too busy looking at his phone. I cleared my throat and his head shot up.

"About time, come on you need to get breakfast before we leave" he says, walking over to me and taking hold of my hand. I tried to free my hand but it as no use he only held on tighter as if I was going to disappear and if it was up to me, I would.

End of chapter 18

I know it's really short but I thought I'd break this chapter and next chapter up

I'll post the next chapter later, once I write it and when I'm home from school

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