Chapter 12

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Kai's P.O.V

Once I carried Ellie up to her room I came downstairs and into my Office, I have a lot of work I need to get done and I'm pretty sure I'll be up for hours trying to get it all done so I poured myself a coffee to help keep me awake. I was reading over some emails I got from other gangs asking about buying guns and other weapons off of me when my phone started ringing, I looked at the caller ID and noticed that it was Jackson, my best hacker and information supplier so I picked up the phone.

"Jackson this better be important because I'm busy" I saying making sure he gets straight to the point

"Yes Boss I would say this is extremely important because right now as we speak police all over town are looking for Ellie and they are trying to get in contact with her parents" I cant believe this! That Rachel girl is behind all of this and I know it, well I don't care if the police do somehow manage to trace Ellie back to me and my gang they won't do anything about it because they are afraid of me and they know that I can easily take them down. The police here are useless when it comes to my gang, they just turn their heads the other direction

"Boss?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jackson started talking down the phone again

"Uh find a way to contact her parents before the police do and offer them $100,000 to say that their daughter is living with them and that she is okay and there is no need to worry oh and Jackson make sure the police can't trace the call back to us, call me once it's sorted" and with that I hung up the phone and got back to my emails.

I decided I didn't want to do the deal about the guns and weapons because they wanted to much stuff and I wasn't getting the amount of money I wanted so after negotiating for 30 minutes on the phone I said that I'm not going to accept the deal.

I was looking over some things about Ellie when I seen that it was her birthday next week, I feel bad that I'm keeping her here against her will but I don't really have a choice because I can't let her go now that she knows about us so I'll just have to find a way to make her want to stay instead and I think I know how. I'm going to throw her a birthday party.

I called Lucas and Oscar to help me plan her party, they keep going on about how I have feelings for her and I'm starting to think they might be right I mean I'm the biggest Mafia in America and I am worried about keeping some random girl against her will I'm even throwing her a birthday party for flip sake.

About an hour later we had everything planned for Ellie's party, I had invited a few of her friends as well I know it's risky but I think it will make her feel better seeing her friends. I had decided that we can't throw the party in my house if I want her friends to come because I'm not risking anything so I rented out another mansion for the day of the party and told her friends to meet up there. Now all that's left to do is tell Ellie.

"I'll tell her tomorrow, when she wakes up" I turned to li and Oscar "yous can leave now" I said and once they left I got back my emails.

Once I had all my emails read and replied to, I went to my bedroom and got some sleep, tomorrow I'm going to tell Ellie about her party.

When I woke up I got a shower and went downstairs to get breakfast ready, once everything was set up I went to go get Ellie. When I reached her room she wasn't in bed, I heard movement in the bathroom and realised she was getting out of the shower so I sat at the end of her bed and just thought about how I was going to tell her. I was deep in my thoughts and didn't realise that she was in the room until a door shut, I jumped a bit because of the noise and turned to see her standing beside her closet, she looked afraid and it upset me seeing her scared of me.

"Ellie I know your scared but I need to talk with you about something your going to want to know" I watched as she nodded her head to let me continue "how about we go downstairs and get something to eat?" I asked

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