Chapter 56

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Ellie's P.O.V

I woke up to my phoning ringing in my ear. With groan I rub my eyes and check the time.


Are you serious. It's 20 past 7 in the morning who in earth is bothering me at this time? I've only had like 4 hours sleep! I check my recent call list and saw that I had a miss call from Marcus. Huh I almost forgot about him, I haven't seen him in weeks. Its been about 4 or 5 weeks since I last saw him I wonder where he's been, he hasn't been around the house in ages.

I press the call button and hold the phone to my ear. After 3 rings he picks up.

"Hello? Why are you calling me so early in the morning is everything okay?" I ask

"I'm on my way to get yous something has happened and it's not safe" he rushes into the phone

"What? What do you mean somethings happened what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. I get up and shake Rachel

"I don't know exactly but I was on my way back to the mansion and called Kai, he was going mad and said that he was about to go get you and Rachel when I offered to get yous cause I was closer. I'm about 5 minuets away get Rachel and wait at the front door" he says and then hangs up. I start to violently shake Rachel awake.



"Rachel wake up" I shake her agains and again, she's a deep sleeper and not is not the time for her to be enjoying her deep slumber.

"Wh-" yawn "What's going on? What time is it?" She asks

"20 past 7" I reply

"You better mean at night or have a very good dam reason as to why your waking me up so early" she growls out

"Marcus is coming to pick us up, apparently something happened so he offered to come get us" I told her what he told me

"Ugh, boys and their stupid Mafia problems waking me up so early in the morning" she grumbles getting up and making her way into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I ask her

"Getting breakfast, you want anything?" She asks

"How could you even think about food right now? Something bad is happening and your too worried about getting up early and eating?" I ask her, I feel sick right now. Not knowing what's going on and knowing Kai and my friends could be in danger makes me extremely nervous and scared for them

"I'm hungry and food will distract me from freaking out, that's why I'm eating right now"

"So your stress eating?" I ask

"Yeah you could call it that" she says

We sit down at the table, Rachel is munching on toast whilst I'm just drinking a cup of milk. I'm not in the mood for food. A few minutes later there's a knock on the door. Rachel jumps up to get it but I stop her.

"Wait! What if it's someone dangerous?" I ask her panicky

"It will be Marc" she says

"How can you be so sure? Wouldn't he text to say he's here?" I ask

"Ellie your just overthinking it, it'll be Marcus to get us now come on" she says making her way out of the kitchen. The knocking still hasn't stopped.

"Wait! Rachel I have a really bad feeling about this please can we just phone Marcus?" I ask her

"Fine" he huffs and comes back to the kitchen

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