Chapter 4

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The kidnapping

The cafe

Ellie's P.O.V

There isn't many people left in the cafe it's only 1 o'clock in the afternoon so I was expecting it to be a lot busier, I'm cleaning up the tables when I notice a Black Range Rover pull up outside and someone step out of it. I couldn't believe who it was, it was that man I bumped into earlier the one who dropped the gun. I started to freak out, he's heading this way, maybe he knows I have I his gun or maybe it's just a coincidence I panicked and ran into the toilets I told Lily I needed to pee and asked her to continue to clear the table I was at.

Wills P.O.V

As I stepped out of my car I noticed Ellie, the girl I bumped into earlier who has my gun, she was cleaning a table right next to the window when she looks out she sees me I turn my head as if I can't see her and continue to walk towards the cafe. I can see the panic in her eyes, out of the corner of my eye and then she runs into what looks like the toilets.

"Hello, can I get a coffee to go please" I say to the man at the till

"Off course sir"

"Thanks, I'm just going to go to the toilet I'll be right back" I say then rush of into the girls toilets

"I know your in here Ellie, you may as well just come out now and make it easier on yourself"

Ellie's P.O.V

"I know your in here Ellie, you may as well just come out now and make it easier for yourself" I hear the man call out, at this point I'm tying so hard to hold back the tears but I figure if I come out and give him the gun he'll just leave me alone.
I step out from the cubicle and walk towards him.

"Hello Ellie, I believe you have something of mine" he says with a evil smirk

"Y-yes, y-you dropped I-it this m-morning" I stutter like an idiot but what do you expect I mean a few hours ago I picked up his gun and now he's found my work place looking for it back, off course I'm going to be scared and stutter.

"So where's your lovely backpack with my gun in it?" He says extremely clam which actually scares me, I took his gun why is he so clam? And how does he know it's in my backpack? He was well gone when I picked it up!

"I-it's In m-my l-locker"

"Good, let's go" He says grabbing my arm, I try to free my arm it but his grip is to strong, he pulls me into his embrace and whispers in my ear "now be a good girl and don't make a scene" he then lets go of my arm probably so it doesn't look suspicious. We walked into the locker room and I open my locker, take out my backpack he then snatches it out of my hands and looks in it for his gun, once he's sure it's there he zips it back up and puts it over his shoulder I look at him in confusion and he give a light chuckle before saying "here's what we are going to do, I'm going to walk out grab my coffee and wait for you in my car then your going to tell your boss you feel sick and that your going home, you then walk out and get into my car, and you don't tell anyone about me or the gun Understood?"

"Y-y-yes" I can just about stutter out, I've never been so scared in my life I don't know where he wants to take me but all I know is I have to just agree with what he says and hopefully my plan to run will work.

"Good!" He says and then walks out of the locker room

I walk into Shannon's office and tell her I've been sick in the toilets and I'm going home I then walk out say goodbye to Lily and run down the entryway beside the cafe, away from the Black Range Rover.  I run and run without looking back, I take a left turn knowing the other way is a dead end and continue running until I reach the mall. I know telling the police would be the smart thing to do but I don't want to risk it so I just run through the mall to the back exit and then continue to run towards the bus stop. I'm running out of breathe and I have a stitch but I know I have to keep running until I reach the bus stop. I take my phone out of my apron pocket and phone my cousin letting her know I'm coming to hers.

Wills P.O.V

I get into my car and take a drink of my coffee, I'm sitting waiting for Ellie to come out of the cafe and when she does she doesn't come to the car like I told her to, no she does something incredibly stupid. She runs. She runs down the entryway beside the cafe. I open her backpack and get my gun out, I throw the backpack to the back of the car and run out chase her. I phone Kai and tell him what happened and believe me he didn't sound to happy, I know that if I wasn't close with him that he would kill me but because I am one of his close friends I know he won't kill me. Ellie just made a big mistake because now not it's only me looking for her but Kai is to, she better hope it's me who finds her because if it's Kai he won't be to easy on her.

End of chapter 4

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