Chapter 51

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Ellie's P.O.V   (Funny story time -   Not gonna lie took me a while  to write 'Ellie's P.O.V' 😂😂 that's a bit embarrassing but I kept hitting the wrong button so then it was a question mark then I hit 'b' twice and then 'g' instead of a 'V' 😂😂)

"Y-yes? Is everything okay? Please tell me that Rachel is okay, I heard she was awake please tell me nothing is wrong" I say all in one breath. I was worrying when she stopped me but then what she said next make me relax. Everything was fine, I was just overthinking it.

"Clam down dear, nothing is wrong I promise, I was just going to tell you that Rachel has awoken but you seemed to have already known about that, I'm assuming Lucas phoned you. Anyway I have checked and Rachel is all good she just needs to rest and build her strength up a bit, the bullet wound is healing up nicely" she says, I sigh in relief and give her a big hug before thanking her and then rushing into the room.

Rachel was sitting in the bed with Lucas sitting beside her on the chair where he has spent hours and hours on for the past week. A smile spread across my face once again, my sister was okay.

"Rachel! I'm so glad your alright, I was so worried I'm so sorry I didn't protect you" I say, I make my way over beside her and sit down at the other chair that I have been accompanying for the past week. I reach out to give her a hug, making sure to go slowly and carefully not want to hurt her.

"It's okay El, don't be silly you couldn't have done anything" she says wrapping her arms around me. I give her a gentle squeeze

"I was so scared Rach, I thought you were gone and then the doctor told me that you would be okay. I wanted to believe her I really did but a part of me was doubting it cause you had been unconscious for so long and... and a part of me feels guilty that I didn't get to push you out of the way, I was standing right beside you. I wish it were me in your place right now"  I sob, I didn't even realise I was crying until I felt her wipe my tears away

"Oh El, don't ever say that! It's not your fault you couldn't have saw it coming in time and I don't blame you so don't blame yourself, you were not the one to pull the trigger! And I'm glad it's me in this position because I would lose my mind if it were you" she says sternly then continues "heads would roll" she laughs making me smile a little. She always finds a way to brighten up my mood and make the situation better. "literally I would kill anyone who hurts you. You've been though so much so I'm glad your not the one in this position" she says and then kisses my check. I love her, she's the absolute best! I would do anything for her... I mean anything!

"Yeah Ellie don't blame yourself, the only people who is at fault are the silly fuckers who done it and they are all paying for this, and if it were my choice not that I would want it to happen but I would gladly take both of your places if this were to ever happen again" Lucas says, I swear I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for!

"I love yous both so much" I say happily

"I loves yous both too" Rachel says

"Me too!" Lucas says

"I love you Ellie" a new voice says, I know straight away who it is before I even saw his face. I turn around to see Kai standing there by the door

"What about me?" Lucas asks

"I'm not gay" Kai chuckles  (nothing wrong with being gay!!! Don't be ashamed or embarrassed, stand up for what you love and be with who you love! Do what makes you happy your not here to please other people!)

"Neither am I but you can love me as a friend" Lucas states

"That still sounds gay, 'ohh I love you man" Kai laughs, putting on a girls voice. Me and Rachel both laugh at the both of theirs silliness. God I have missed her laugh so much!

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