Chapter 15

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Ellie's P.O.V

When I woke up this morning I couldn't help but think about Kai, I couldn't stop thinking about giving him a chance all morning. I woke up and Lucas came to my room with breakfast, I actually ate it and I talked to him, we talked about nothing in particular, just random things about life and he left after I was finished eating as he had important business to attend to. I like Lucas, I've knew him from I've been here as he was the one I would always be stuck with as he had to 'babysit' me. I don't know what it is but something about him makes me feel comfortable and at ease, maybe even a little safe. I know that sounds crazy and I tell myself I shouldn't be thinking about these people like this as they kidnapped me but I can't help but feel this way. Lucas told me he would come and bring me my dinner later when he's back and he said he didn't know about who would bring me lunch as Oscar would be with him, I starting freaking out once he left. What is it was Kai?

I couldn't handle it if it was Kai, I don't want to see him and I'm freaking out because he could come in here whenever he wants and that's what scares me. It was nearly lunchtime now and I couldn't stop worrying incase it's Kai that brings me Lunch.

A few minutes later I hear the lock being unlocked and the door opened, in walked Will. I instantly calmed down a bit knowing it wasn't Kai, he came in and sat beside me for some reason he seemed nervous? Maybe I was seeing things

"Hey I brought you some French toast" he said as he sat the tray in front of me

"thanks" I reply

"Hey I'm sorry" he said, sorry? What was he sorry for?

"Uh what for?" I ask confused

"You being here, I can't help but think it's my fault, if I wasn't so careless and just made sure my gun was secure it wouldn't have fell out when you ran into me and you wouldn't have found it and you wouldn't have been brought here" wow, I didn't know what to say I just stared at him with wide eyes for a minute. He was apologising and it wasn't even his fault, he didn't know it would fall out.

"It's- it's not your fault don't worry about it" he looked at me and I saw relief flash through his eyes

"Well I still feel like it is and I'm still sorry about it" He apologised again

"It's okay" well it's not okay as I would rather I wasn't kidnapped but I'm not blaming him because that wouldn't do me any good, it's not like if I be angry with him I'll get out of here and he apologised so it's fine.

"Thanks for forgiving me, your good person and Kai is lucky to have you" wow what? I'm not Kai's!

"Uh What? I'm not Kai's" I say

"Oh he hasn't said anything to you yet?"

"He has but I don't care, I'm not something he can just claim as his! I'm a person with feelings!" I say, my tone full of annoyance. I'm annoyed that Kai thinks he can just claim me as his without my say, even though I was thinking about giving him a chance I still haven't decided and I don't him telling people and them thinking I'm his.

"Look I know it may not seen like it but Kai is a nice guy, I mean sure he is a Mafia leader but I'd say he's one of the more decent ones" he said, was he kidding right now? There's no such thing as a decent Mafia leader!

"I don't think that's a thing"

"Look at it this way, he could have killed you but he never he decided to let you live as it wasn't your fault what happened. He could have just sold you of as a sex slave or something but he didn't as he doesn't do that sort of thing, he also doesn't kill innocent people, only those who are a threat to him so when you didn't go to the police he decided that you would be okay to let live but he couldn't just have you walking around the place knowing about me as it could be bad for the Mafia" what he said was true, I mean he could have killed me or have me work for him or sold me but he never, sure he kidnapped me but he hasn't hurt me and he's give me food and water and a place to sleep, could I really give him a chance?

"Yeah your right, he isn't as bad as the rest but he's not exactly innocent or better than them"

Kai's P.O.V

I was walking past Ellie's room when I overheard Will talking to her, I never heard the full conversation but I did hear some of it and I was happy with what I heard.

"...thing, he also doesn't kill innocent people, only those who are a threat to him so when you didn't go to the police he decided that you would be okay to let live but he couldn't just have you walking around the place knowing about me as it could be bad for the Mafia" Will said

"Yeah your right, he isn't as bad as the rest but he's not exactly innocent or better than them" Ellie said, what did this mean? Was she going to accept me? I mean it would be easier for her anyway because she is mine if she likes it or not!

I was thankful for Will for what he said and even thought I didn't hear what he said before it I'm still happy that he tried to make her see me as a better man, because even though I'm a Mafia leader, the most feared one I am not as bad as the others. Sure I kill people, sell drugs, sell weapons and explosives, own clubs, torture people, but I don't kill people without good reason and I would only torture people if I needed important information I wouldn't just kill and torture for fun like others do.

Ellie's P.O.V

After Will left I was by myself again. I didn't mind though, it gave me time to think about everything, a few days ago I hated Kai because he kissed me without my permission and called me his but now, now Im sitting here thinking about if I should give him a chance but will it even matter anyway if I decide not to give him a chance? I mean he said so himself that I'm his wether I like it or not so it doesn't matter what I think because I might not get what I want. But that's the thing, what do I want?

It's not long know until Lucas comes with my dinner in fact he should be here any minute now. Just as I thought that the sound of the door unlocking snaps me out of my thoughts and in walks.... Kai?

End of chapter

So what's your thoughts, do you think Ellie should give Kai a chance?

Hope you enjoyed, please let me know what you think

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