Chapter 10

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Ellie's P.O.V

"What is going on" Kai asks full of confusion

"I accidentally told her we are a Mafia" Oscar says

"YOU WHAT?" Lucas shouts and moves in front of Kai to come down beside me, I moved back more and bumped into Oscar again making him stumble back a bit. Tears were still streaming down my face and my heart was pounding so hard I thought it was going to come out of my chest. I've heard loads of terrible things about this Mafia and now I have been Kidnapped by them. Lucas looks so upset at the fact I'm scared of him, probably because we became quite close. I know I shouldn't be close with the people who kidnapped me but what other choice did I have? I was with him everyday and he was nice to me.

"Ellie we aren't going to hurt you" Lucas says and moves towards me again.

"P-please l-leave me alone" I whisper, while holding my legs up to my chest and rocking myself back and forth. I do that when I'm scared and right now I'm petrified. Your probably thinking why are you so scared, you knew they were a gang anyway so what's the difference? Well the Black Knights are the most feared Mafia in all of America, the police just ignore them because they are that dangerous and also the police around my area are really bad, I mean they are supposed to protect people so how can they do that when they ignore the gangs roaming about our city?

"Look Ellie if we wanted to hurt you we would have done so when you first came here" Kai said, just then I heard another voice behind me, I recognised the voice as Wills.

"What's going on in here? Why is she sitting like that?" He said with the same confusion Kai had when he opened his office door.

"Oscar told her about us being a Mafia" Kai said

"Why would you do that you idiot, she wasn't supposed to know that" Will says clearly annoyed

"I didn't mean to it just slipped out" Oscar tries to defend himself

"Well you scared my best friend" Lucas says, that made me smile a bit at the fact he said we are best friends, I don't know why that made me feel better but I wasn't crying as much though my heart was still pounding hard against my chest.

"How can you accidentally tell someone we are the most feared Mafia in all of America, what if you accidentally told the wrong person that, they could go to the police, clearly you can't be trusted" I mentally rolled my eyes when he mentioned the police, what are they going to do? Even they are afraid of them.

"Yeah I'm the one who can't be trusted, it's your fault she's even here in the first place if you didn't drop your gun she wouldn't be here!"

"Oscar has a point Will if you weren't so careless she wouldn't be here in the first place" Lucas says defending his twin brother. While they were arguing I used this to my advantage and crawled away, I had to be so careful and quiet because the only way away from them was past them all so I just hope they are to busy arguing to realise me getting away.

I managed to sneak past them, which wasn't easy at all. I don't understand how Kai didn't notice but I'm not complaining because now I'm up on my feet running to where I hope the exit is. This mansion is massive and I still haven't been able to find my way around, not that I've had the chance to, or want to for that matter. I wasn't expecting to be here for long so I didn't fell that I needed to know my way around, which was a stupid mistake because now I can't find the exit.

Kai's P.O.V

"Shut up Lucas this has nothing to do with you" Will says

"Don't speak to my brother like that Will, he's only telling the truth" Oscar defends his brother, I've had enough with this.

"ENOUGH! ALL OF YOU SHUT UP" I shout they all turn to me shocked, I think they forgot I was here "yous arguing is stupid and isn't helping our situation of calming Ellie down" I say and look down to where Ellie was supposed to be only to see her gone, how could she sneak past us all so easily?

"Where did she go?" I say and start walking away from the group of children bickering

"All of you split up and look for her, once you find her let us all know and take her to her room and lock her in room, I'll deal with her tomorrow" I turn towards the boys and when they start to walk towards me I turn back around and head for the front door. She couldn't have gotten to far and I doubt she even made it anywhere near the front door.

I hope Lucas is the one who finds her. She's close to him, well as close as you can be with someone who Kidnapped you. Even though he technically didn't Kidnap her but you get the picture. She trusts him the most sense he's the one who is always with her. I hope Will doesn't find her as he is the one who tried to take her in the first place, obviously because I told him to and because she had his gun but she probably doesn't like him very much, Lucas and Oscar are right it technically is his fault, no it IS his fault, if he had made sure his gun was secure it wouldn't have fell out when he bumped into her. I don't know why I want her to be happy and not afraid of us, I would normally love it when people are afraid of me and my gang but when I think about her being afraid of us and especially me it makes me mad, what is wrong with me?

Ellie's P.O.V

I finally seen the front door and just as I was just about to open it someone grabbed me from behind, I started to kick and scream even though it was useless the person has a tight grip on me and everyone in this mansion were probably trying to get me, so it doesn't matter who had me now no matter how loud I screamed I wasn't going to get out.

"Shhh it's okay we aren't going to hurt you Ellie, your safe here" I knew straight away it was Kai by his voice, but it didn't make me fell less scared even when he said that he wasn't going to hurt me and I definitely not safe here no matter what anyone says, they are the Black Knights Mafia for crying out loud. How can anyone be safe around them?

"P-please just l-let me g-go" I cried out

"You know I can't do that, especially now you know exactly who we are" I knew he wouldn't agree to let me go but it was worth a try.

"Come on I'll take you to your room" and with that he lifted me up and carried me bridal style, I squirmed about  trying to get away from his hold but he tightened his grip and told me to relax, I didn't realise how tired I was until I was fast asleep leaning against his chest.

Kai's P.O.V

I made my way to the front door and when I seen Ellie trying to escape it made me upset, not angry or mad I was hurt and I didn't understand why this girl all of a sudden made me fell upset because she was trying to leave. I grabbed her to stop her from opening the door and leaving but not hard enough to hurt her, she kicked and screamed for help obviously out of impulse. I told her to calm down and that's she's safe here with us.

"P-please just l-let me g-go" She cried out, is it bad that I thought about letting her go? What is happening to me why all of a sudden to I feel soft?

"You know I can't do that, especially now you know exactly who we are"

I told her I'd take her to her room and lifted her up bridal style. She squirmed about  trying to get away from my hold but that only made me tighten my grip and tell her to relax, to my surprise she listened and shortly after she fell asleep with her head leaning against my chest.

End of chapter

Thank you so much for 50 reads! I honestly can't believe it, I never thought I'd get more than ten and now I have 50!

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

Fell free to comment any suggestions or if you see any mistakes let me know and I I'll fix them

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