Chapter 17

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Ellie's P.O.V

Off course I didn't move, I thought about it but then thought against it. Kai was already annoyed at me I didn't need him getting even more mad and lashing out on me. I still don't understand why he just won't leave me alone but I guess I'll just have to get used to it and learn to ignore him because let's be real even if I did escape here he'd probably find me anyway I mean he's a Mafia leader and look how fast he found out where I work and he didn't even know my name! It's sad to think that this is my life now, stuck with the Mafia.

Kai has been in the shower for about 20 minuets now and I'm starting to wonder what's taking him so long, I mean he could stay in there forever I wouldn't care. I'm just curious. I'm still sitting in the same spot but I'm starting to get thirsty, I don't know wether or not to go downstairs and get a drink. He wouldn't be mad at me would he? I mean I'm only going to get a glass of water.

I don't care I'm going to get a drink, he's not the boss of me and he can't tell me what to do. I get up and walk downstairs towards the kitchen. I hear voices and was about to turn around when I recognised one of the voices was Lucas so I continue and walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Lucas" He turns around and his face drops once he sees me. What's wrong with him?

"Are you o-okay?" I don't know why I stuttered, maybe it's because I'm worried about Lucas, he's the closest thing I have to a friend okay I'm not going to lie no more I genuinely consider him as my friend and I know I shouldn't but I don't care, he's been nice to me and kept me company.

"Lucas?" He just turns around to the man who was with him and then they both walk past me. I'm not going to lie it hurt, I thought he was my friend, why is he ignoring me?

I ran out after him and grabbed his arm. "What is wrong with you? Why are you ignoring me I thought we were friends?" I said, I'm not going to lie I was annoyed but mostly upset.

"I-I'm sorry I can't talk to you Ellie" He whispers, I'm so confused right now why not?

"What why?"

"Kai will kill me" Off course I nearly forgot 'your not to speak with any boy, or look at them for that matter, can't have my girl talking to other boys' ugh I hate him!

"Please Lucas, don't do this your the only one here I trust don't listen to Kai" I beg

"I'm sorry I can't" he whispers

"NO you can't do this! Don't listen to Kai he's just..."

"Just what?" I froze when I was cut off by his familiar voice, Shit I'm dead!

I didn't turn around but I felt his presence behind me and then his warm breath on my neck causing shivers to run down my spine. He grabbed my waist and turned me to face him. His face was blank not showing of any emotions and not giving me any hints of how mad he is right now with me either.

"Well princess, what were you going to say?" He asks looking at me straight in the eyes, his tone was just daring me not to answer him and as much as I wanted to answer him I couldn't bring myself to say it.

Kai looks away from me and up to Lucas who was still standing there with the other man "Lucas, Harvey leave" he says angrily, uh oh I'm in trouble now.

"Sorry boss" Lucas says before walking away with the man who's name I now know is Harvey.

"So what were you going to call me?" He asks, grabbing me by the arm tightly making me let out a small wince, he losses his grip and then continues walking to his room.

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