Chapter 49

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Rachel's P.O.V

I felt like some of the weight has been lifted off of me however I still felt a little heavy, I'm trying so hard to wake up but no matter how hard I try open my eyes it doesn't seem to work. I wonder how long I've been unconscious for. I really hope it hasn't been too long! I hope everyone isn't really worried about me, I would hate for them to be freaking out. I'm okay... I think so anyway, I mean I feel fine the only thing is I just can't seem to open my eyes!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Ellie and Lucas talking really loudly.

"Rachel? Please wake up!" They both said at the same time

"Come on beautiful, wake up I miss you so much!" Lucas says, hearing him say how much he has missed me really made me happy.

"Come on Rach you can do it! Please I need my best friend back!!" I hear Ellie say, I felt a heavy squeeze on my hand and I know it was Ellie trying to reassure me that she's there, I don't think she was supposed to squeeze my hand so hard but it kinda hurt.

I wish I could talk, I wish I could tell them that I'm trying. I'm trying to wake up and talk to them but it doesn't seem to be working. I'll keep trying though! I'm not giving up, I will wake up and give them both a big hug and tell them how much I miss them!


Lucas's P.O.V

I got so excited yesterday and I was full of hope when Rachel started to move her hand, I thought she was going to wake up but she never. Kai asked me if I wanted to go out to collect drug money for him, to see if it helped take my mind of Rachel but I wasn't in the mood. I'd probably end up killing the man. It's weird because I haven't known Rachel for that long, it's only been about 2 months since I've been going out with her and I've become so close to her in that little time. I think I love her, I would marry her without a doubt.

The fact that I haven't seen her beautiful blue eyes, or her contiguous smile, or her angelic voice that makes me smile every time I hear her voice, I haven't seen all those things in a week. A week! I miss her so much, and I know she's trying to wake up. She's been trying to move her hand again but all she manages to do is twitch her fingers. Ellie is worrying too, shes upset and highly worried for her best friend. They are like sisters so this hit her hard.

I'm currently sitting beside Rachel, I'm not holding her hand just incase she tries to move again and my hold prevents her from doing so. Kai forced Ellie to go out with him, I don't know where he took her but all I know is she was mad at him for forcing her to leave Rachel. She tried to stay but he literally dragged her out saying that she has to get out and try take her mind off of Rachel.

She is still annoyed at him about the whole situation on her brother. I don't know exactly what happened I just know bits and pieces and now add this onto the list, well let's just say there may be fights wherever they are.

Kai's P.O.V

I was sitting in my office when I found out that Josh, Ellie's brother is not the trader, it was Jacob. One of the other guys in my Mafia, I asked Oscar to go get him and take him to the basement. I decided that I was going to take Ellie out and apologise about not letting her go out with her brother and the reason why. I hope she understands.

It was a lovely sunny day so I was planning on taking her to the beach. I walked out of my office and down to the hospital ward Rachel was in. Another reason why I wanted her to take Ellie out was to try get her mind off of Rachel. She hasn't been outside in almost a week and she's barley left Rachel's side, I understand that she's afraid and worried for Rachel but the doctor said she is going to be okay and by Ellie being stuck in that room all day it's not healthy for her.

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