Chapter 57

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Ellies P.O.V

The next day

"Not to be rude or anything Marc but why are you still here?" Rachel says as she comes out of the bedroom. She slept all day yesterday and she's just came out of the room. I made her lunch and dinner yesterday and took it into the bedroom for her. She needs to eat but I understand that she's tired. If she was hungry she'd eat, when I went to take her in diner she had eat the chicken wrap I made her for lunch and drink half of the water, so I didn't have to wake her up.

Marcus slept on the sofa last night, we sat up until 11pm watching movies and talking. We FaceTimed Savannah, she was at a friends house that's why Marcus is here.

"That was very rude and you just hurt my feelings, I thought you'd be happy to see me" He says putting his hand on his chest and pretending to be hurt. Rachel just rolled her eyes making m laugh at the two idiots in front of me. "Anyway I decided I'd stay to keep Ellie company, you know since you were sleeping all day on your lazy Ass" he chuckles

"Ha ha ha your so funny" she says lifting a cushion of the sofa and chucking it at him, it smacks him up the head making both me and Rachel laugh

Marcus picks up the cushion and goes to throw it back at Rachel, however this time I'm the one who gets hit in the head. I instantly stop laughing and let out a surprised gasp. "Hey! What was that for!" I ask shooting a laughing Marcus a death glare

"You were laughing" he shrugs and then starts to laugh again

"So was she" I accuse and point my finger at Rachel "and she hit you in the first place" I exclaim

"Yeah I know but.." he started but interrupted himself by laughing avian "you should have seen your face" he laughs "you were not expecting that at all" he says

"Shut up your laughing like a choking hyena" I groan as I fling the pillow back at him hitting him square in the face

Suddenly cushions were ripped of the sofa and flying around the room in all sort of directions, we didn't even care if we hit each other we were just jumping around the living room like moneys throwing cushions around. I didn't aim any at Rachel incase she got hurt but we both were throwing them at Marcus.

"Hey! This isn't fair it's two against one!" He complains

"Awk is the big bad Mafia man upset cause he's getting beat up by cushions from two girls?" I coo

"No I'm going easy in yous wouldn't want to end this in tears would we?" He asks

"Ha your funny" Rachel says jumping onto the sofa and throwing one last cushion at Marc hitting him in the chest before slumping down

"Aw do you give up?" Marcus coos

"I'm tired" she says

"You slept all day yesterday how are you tied?" Marcus asks sitting down on the sofa facing her

"She overslept and now she's tired" I state

"She needs a good shake" Marcus says

"Mmm milkshake, do we have any?" Rachel asks

"Yes chocolate or strawberry?" I laugh

"That's not what I meant" Marcus says

"Chocolate! Definitely chocolate!" Rachel says excitedly, I head into the kitchen and go to the fridge

"I'll have a strawberry one" Marcus shouts

"Really? Go get it yourself then" I say returning to the living room with 2 chocolate milkshakes in my hand one for me and one for Rachel. I hid the strawberry one in my pocket

"You seriously did not just do that" Marcus groans

"She did" Rachel laughs, I hand Rachel her milkshake and sit down beside her. Marcus gets up with a huff and was about to go to the kitchen when I pull his strawberry milkshake out of my pocket and throw it at him shouting catch. It catches him off guard however he still manages to catch it."Aw your boring, you shouldn't have got him one" Rachel says

"Shut up Rach" Marcus says

I grab the remote and switch the tv on. "Any recommendations?" I ask

"Movies or tv shows?" Rachel asks

"Whatever" I say

"Movie!" Marcus says

"Are you still here?" Rachel says in a joking manner

"Yep, I'm not going anywhere. Oh! Go back out that on!" He answers Rachel and then shouts at me excitedly, obviously seeing a movie that interested him. I go back and see that the movie he wanted to watch was Taken. I like that movie so I didn't mind putting it on, I hit play and the movie started.

"Now yous two better be quiet, I want to watch this in peace" I scold them


It's dinner time now. Marcus is still here, me and Rachel are craving a McDonald's but we don't have no way to get there. We keep begging Marcus to go drive and get us one but he said that he's too tired.

"Please Marc" Rachel begs giving him puppy eyes, I join in sending him my best puppy eyes, pout and holding my hands as if I'm praying.

"Pretty please" I beg

"Fine!" He huffs

"Yay!" Me and Rachel shout excitedly jumping up from our kneeling position on the floor in front of Marcus

"Thank you!" Rachel exclaims and throws herself at Marcus giving him a big hug of appreciation

We tell Marcus our orders and he heads out to go get us our food. Whilst we are waiting me and Rachel decided to go for a walk to pass time so we threw our shoes on and went outside.

It was a nice day, sun was shining brightly in the sky. We didn't go too far as we wanted to be able to come back and get our McDonald's straight away.

"Hey if it's nice out tomorrow do you want to head to the waterfall and go for a swim?" Rachel asks

"We didn't pack swimsuits" I inform her

"So?" She shrugs "we could just go in a t shirt and shorts or bra and pants I mean it's not any different from a bikini" she says

I thought for a moment "Yeah your right, it's basically the same thing" I tell her

"So what do you say?" She asks

"Sure I wouldn't mind going for a swim" I say

"Good" She's says and then we make our way back into the house. We go back into the living room and tidy up a little as soon as we finished tidying there was a knock on the door. It was Marcus with our McDonald's. We all sat in the living room eating our food chatting with the music channel on quietly in the background.

End Of Chapter 57

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