Chapter 47

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Ellie's P.O.V

I'm currently sitting in the hospital room beside an unconscious Rachel. I haven't stopped crying since what happened a few hours ago. I'm so scared and angry, scared that Rachel won't make it and angry at the people who done this but also myself for not pushing her out of the way. I know it's not my fault but I can't help but wonder if I had off seen it coming I could have protected her. She's like a sister to me I love her so much and it kills me to see her here, lying in a hospital bed in so much pain.

I haven't spoken a word to anyone, I'm just sitting here holding onto my best friends hand begging that she will be okay. Kai is sitting beside me trying to comfort me, he keeps saying that she will be okay but he's not a doctor. Saying that isn't helping how I am feeling right now. Lucas is sitting at the other side of her bed holding her hand, he is also very upset she is his girlfriend after all.

The doctor left about a half an hour ago, she said its hard to tell if she will wake up anytime soon but after that I didn't hear the rest of what she said as my sobs had gotten louder. Hearing that my best friend might not wake up both scared me and angered me.

Josh just entered the room but I never looked up at him, the only reason I knew he came in was because Kai practically shouted at him to get out and go wait for him in his office, if I wasn't so upset right now I would have shouted at Kai to not speak to my brother like that's and I would have questioned him on why he was acting so harsh towards him but right now I wasn't in the mood to argue with him I just glared at him for a second before turning my attention back to Rachel. I haven't really spoken with him for a week now with how he reacted with Josh and how he is still acting towards him. I mean I know Josh hasn't really been the best brother but it was Kai's idea to hear him out and give him another chance and as soon as I do he doesn't want me around him and acts hostile towards him, like what is that all about?


It's been a few days now since Rachel got shot, I've barley ate or slept and the only time I have moved was to get a quick shower and change out of my old clothes. I can tell Kai is getting mad at me for not eating but I just haven't had the appetite lately and I don't want to leave Rachel's side. I know Kai is only worried about me but he should understand how I just want to be by Rachel's side to.

The bullet thankfully missed any important organs and it won't do too much damage so Rachel should be fine and make a full recovery, or so the doctor said when she came back a few hours after she had been shot. If Rachel was going to be okay and the bullet missed anywhere important why hasn't she woken up?

I want to be here when she wakes up, the same as Lucas. He also hasn't moved from her side, Oscar keeps telling him to eat and get some sleep but just like me he hasn't. We both aren't even thinking about that right now, all we care about is Rachel. Lucas was like this when Oscar was shot a year ago too. I can't believe it's been that long. But the difference was Oscar woke up not too long later. It's been 4 days since Rachel got shot and she still hasn't shown any signs of waking up.

I looked up towards the door when I heard the doctor, she was talking to what sounded like Kai outside the door, I struggled to hear what they were saying incase it was anything about Rachel but I couldn't really hear anything since they were whispering. After a few seconds the doctor came in and told me and Lucas we had to get out. That only scared me more, was something wrong?

"W-what's wrong? Why do we need to leave?" Lucas asked his voice was shaken, it's the first time I've heard him speak in 4 days and he was clearly freaking out because we were told to leave.

End Of Chapter 47

Another cliffhanger.....

Next chapter will be posted if I get 10 votes on this chapter and at least 5 comments!

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