Chapter 60

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Kai's P.O.V

It's going to be hard to walking away from her and letting her go. It will be even harder not having her around the house everyday. I love her which is why I need to do this. I can't keep locked up in my mansion if that's not what she wants. I'm not going to force her into loving me because I want real love not fake love. I just need to make sure she's okay first and then I'll leave.

I walk up to the door and knock, after a few moments the door opens and there she stands. Right in front of me. The women I love.

"H-how did you know I'd be here?" She asks

"Funny feeling" I lie

"What do you want? I'm not coming back with you" She says sternly

"I'm just making sure your safe" I tell her honestly, her eyes go wide

"Your not going to drag me back?" She asks surprised

"Not unless that's what you want" I tell her. I can tell by her reaction that she's surprised at what I just said, her jaw drops and her eye brows raise in shock.

"N-no I wa-want to stay here?" She says but it sounds more like a question. I was disappointed to say the least but I knew she was going to say that anyway.

"Okay, well I'm going to have some of my men looking over this house for a while just incase something happens"

"That's okay you don't ha-" she started but I cut her off

"My enemies could have saw you leave my place and I won't allow that to put you in danger" I tell her sternly making sure to let her know I'm not taking no for an answer

"Okay, well thank you" She says giving me a small smile

I say goodbye to her and she gives me a small hug apologising again for smashing my window. I laugh a bit thinking about how she smashed my window and then told her that she'd better start paying me back for that. She said she will and then I told her I was only joking and left. I left with everyone apart from Lucas, Oscar and Rachel who wanted to stay for a while.

In the car on the way back felt weird, lonely, different. The woman I feel in love with, the women I swore I was never going to let go. Left.

I left the house there with the mindset that I was going to bring her back no matter what on,y to realise that if I really loved her I couldn't force her into a life that she no longer wants.

Ellie's P.O.V

I couldn't believe when Kai showed up at Sophia's house, I mean I could but I couldn't believe that he let me stay. He didn't force me to go back, didn't scream at me for leaving or for smashing his window. Didn't drag me out of there like I thought when I first opened the door.  He really shocked me when he said that he wasn't going to bring me back.

I almost felt bad for him, he looked upset and disappointed when I said that I didn't want to go back to the mansion. I'll definitely miss that place and Kai but I believe this is what's best for me. I'm sure I'll be able to visit and Rachel can visit me with little Ollie, I'll phone them every once in a while as well just to see how things are.


It's been 2 years since I've moved out of the mansion and let me tell you the not been easy. I miss everybody so much and I haven't been allowed to visit for "my own safety" that's what Kai keeps saying and it's driving me insane! I want to go visit my family, I miss the mansion too. Kai has come to visit me a few times, I still like him and a part of me is wanting to take him back. I'm just scared that if I do things will go south again between us and I don't want to go through that again. But I can't feel that way about him anymore because I've got a boyfriend. Kai doesn't know about him yet and I'm hoping to keep it that way for a while longer because I'd hate to see his reaction. I've been going out with him for a year now and I'm happy, I don't want Kai to ruin it.

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