Stuck With The Mafia

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3rd Person P.O.V (never tried this before thought I'd give it a go for the last chapter)

Rachel got up from Ollie's bed and kissed his head goodnight before walking out of the roon and quietly closing the door behind her. Ollie had just fell asleep when suddenly loud sirens where heard throughout the house. She quickly ran to the nearest window freaking out with the noise, not wanting it to wake up her sleeping son. She looked out the window and gasped at what she saw.

There was about 6 S.W.A.T cars and loads of police cars. They were completely surrounding the place. Lucas came running out of a room.

"What's going on?" She asked scared

"Babe I need you to get Ollie and go hide in the basement" he rushed out "I'll come get yo-" He was cut of my one of the police officers voice

"We have the place surrounded, come out with your hands up your outnumbered" he must have been talking through a Mega Phone cause his voice sounded weird but it was also loud enough where the whole house could probably hear it.

He was right though, the are outnumbered "Shit" Lucas cursed "listen to me Rachel if something happens you where kidnapped, I'm not having you going to jail" he says take Ollie down to basement and pretend to be kidnapped" he says before kissing Rachel's head and telling her he loved her. Rachel watched as he ran down shouting Kai's name.

Rachel quickly done as she was told, running into Ollie's bedroom and lifting him up out of bed and into her warm welcoming arms. She was afraid that Ollie would get took of her for since she was associating with a Mafia which is why running to the basement would be a better option than hiding in one of the rooms.

"Boss how did they even find us?" One of Kai's men asked

"Don't worry about that right now Michael just freaking shoot" Kai says as he starts shouting the window, he kept hitting police cars not actual police. All the police officers started shooting at the building. Kai knew they were outnumbered by a lot but there was no way he was going down without a fight.

It was chaos. Bullets were flying everywhere left, right and centre. Kai knew if he had all his men here they would easily win the fight but there was about 50 police officers and only like 7 or 8 of them. Kai quickly dialled a number and put it on speaker.

"Hey Boss wha- woah what is that movie?" Marcus asks

"Marcus gather everyone up, we have a police invasion and there's not enough of us to take them all down" Kai's demanding voice sounds through the phone

"You got it Boss" Marcus says before hanging up and going to follow his orders.

Some of the police officers where down which was good news for Kai since none of his men had been injured. Everyone of them where still standing and shooting. Kai quietly ducked away to reload his gun. He couldn't help but think this was weird, the police never really bothered them, they have a man on the inside and he normally keeps them updated about whether the police go to look into the gang. They barley even do as they know it's a waist of time so how did they find out Kai's address?

Suddenly a sick feeling came over him as he thought about a possible solution as to how the police got information on Kai's whereabouts.

Ellie pushes Kai hard making him stumble backwards "GET. OUT" She screams at him

"No!" He shouts back


"What are you going to do huh?" He asks challenging her

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