The secret

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Andreas' POV

       As I get up from the booth I start to really worry about Naomi. I know I need to just control myself, everything is fine, but I can't help but to have a bad feeling in my stomach.

I see the neon lights of the restrooms around the corner and make my way over to it.

The closer I get to the bathrooms I feel like I hear Naomi's voice. Has she been back here talking to someone? I think to myself.

As I wind the corner to the restroom doors I hear a scream that sounds like Naomi's. I see a large guy holding her very aggressively . He's a good 6'4 and very muscular. Behind him I see Naomi screaming in distress. Her eyes are so wide and startled it literally breaks my heart. I feel my ears start to ring and my fists start to clench and unclench. The loud noises of the resturant start to muffle and I literally see red.

I grab the bastard by the back of his shirt and throw him down to the ground. I see he's drunk and he hits his head hard on the wall.

"What the f*ck dude!" I hear the piece of sh*t yell.

He puts his hand on the back of his head and I see that he's bleeding. In that moment I want to kill him for touching Naomi. I'm so angry, and I feel like if I started to kick him I wouldn't be able to stop myself. I try to calm myself down and tell myself just to grab Naomi and leave. But I can't .

I walk over to where I threw him and grab his collar tight and pick him up to his feet . I look him dead in his eyes and I see fear in them. Seeing that fear is like a drug for me. I tell myself to calm down . I don't want to fall down that terrible dark path of uncontrolled anger I used to follow when I was young.

Once he's up on his feet I feel my anger take control of me again and I clench my fist and knock him out cold.

"Du Hurensohn!!"I yell at him as he stumbles and falls to the floor. (you son of a b*tch)

I see one of his friends try and help him out . I know he doesn't have the balls to come mess with me after that.

I can't help but to clench my fists over and over. I tell myself to calm down and force myself to look away from the bastard.

I head back over to Naomi to make sure she's ok. As I walk over she looks away from me. I wonder if she's scared of me. That would hurt me if she was. Before she looked away from me I caught a glimpse of tears welling up in her eyes which pulls at my heart.

"Are you ok wunderschön??" I instinctively reach out to touch her cheek, something I've been itching to do ever since I saw her for the first time.

My earlier prediction was right her cheek was as soft as a cloud. I want to pull her into my chest and hold her and tell her that I won't let anything bad happen to her while I'm around, but I know I can't say those things .

I hear her say "yes I'm ok... I promise I'm ok".

Still stuck in my thoughts I force myself to control the way I'm feeling. It's almost as if my sense comes back to me and I notice that touching her cheek like this is crossing a line .

I start to take my hand away but she stops it. Her hand on mine weirdly starts to calm my anger.

I hear her say "No.Please." Softly

It's almost as if my hand is the one thing keeping her up, and from completely falling apart.

She breaks the silence and says "I think I'm ok now... can we go back to the table ? I'm pretty sure they're worried . You can go use the restroom now I know that's what you were planning on doing before that.. the.. guy um tried to talk to me".

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