On the Edge

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Naomi's POV

      I'm tired. I searched the entire apartment for Andreas and couldn't find him anywhere. I went ahead and took a shower and put a warm wash cloth over my forehead to make the swelling go down. Now I'm in the bed under the covers on the verge of sleep.

This is not how I expected my night to go at all.

I have no idea where Andreas could have gone but my mind has thought of some pretty horrible scenarios. I just hope he didn't go to Damien. That would be so horrible I think to myself. I've been up almost the entire night. I'm too exhausted to keep thinking so I let my eyes close and succumb to sleep.


I wake up the next morning to the sunlight peeking through the curtains. I stretch out my limbs and look around and notice I'm not in my room. I panic for just a millisecond and then all the thoughts of last night come rushing into my head. I turn on my side and I see Andreas far on the other side of the bed sleeping peacefully . I watch him for a little.

I watch his chest rise and fall so sweetly. He looks so cute as he sleeps I have an urge to touch him so I scoot over close to him.

As I get closer I see his knuckles look pitiful. They're dark purple and a deep blood red and I see caked blood on them which reminds me of the night we met at Harold's when he saved me from that guy who assaulted me. And knocked him out...

I place my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming. What did he do!? Did he hurt Damien!!? I think to myself.

My heart starts to race and I shakily start to scoot myself off the bed. I need to leave.

I'll just call and Uber and go home. This is too much for me . I shake and scoot off the bed but the sheets are so silky I slip and fall on my butt miscalculating how much further the edge of the bed was. I make a big thud as I fall in the ground and I hit my back on the night stand which causes the lamp to fall onto the ground, making a huge thud.

I feel a horrible pain shoot up my spine and I can't help but to groan. I know I've woken him up now because I can hear ruffling in the sheets.

"Schätzchen? Where are you?" He says groggily his accent thick.

I stumble and stand up. Andreas sees me and gets out of the bed he has a confused look on his face and has his head cocked to the side.

"S-stay away f-from me" I say shaking and I walk backwards the pain in my spine still evident.

I walk back and I hit the wall I place my hands on the wall and I panic because he's blocking my only way out.

"Schätzchen what's wrong? Why are you acting like this" he says looking concerned .

"D-Don't come any closer I saw the blood on your knuckles!" I say still panicking . I turn and run for the bathroom.

Maybe if I lock myself in there he'll leave me alone I think. Before I make it to the bathroom I feel arms encircle my waist and the next thing I know my feet are off the ground. I flail around screaming.

"Get off me! Get off!" I scream.

Andreas brings me to the bed and I feel his muscles flex all around me. He places me down on the bed my arms still flailing. He gets on the bed and holds me down onto his lap and brings me into his chest.

I slap his chest over and over and he doesn't budge. He the pushes me onto my back and gets on top of me pinning me down so I can't hit him anymore.

"Schätzchen stop! What has come over you!? I'm not going to hurt you!" He says grabbing my face forcing me to look him in the eyes.

My eyes burn but I hold back my tears. He's hurt Damien I just know it!

"I saw the blood on your knuckles!" I scream in his face. "You were gone the entire night! I stayed up until 5! Where were you !? Who's blood is on your hands!?" I scream at him.

I can't moved because he has his entire weight on me holding me down. I squirm under him but he holds me down with his hands still on my face. He looks at me deep in my eyes .

"It's mine!" He yells at me which makes me flinch.

"What do you mean it's yours?" I ask a tear escaping my eye.

"It's my blood schätzchen! I didn't hurt Damien!" He yells.

"B-but" I start to say.

"I had to take a breather last night. If I stayed here I would've wrecked the entire penthouse" he says looking at me.

I look into his eyes and I can tell he's telling the truth.

"But" I say looking at him still confused.

"I came back here after I calmed down and I slept in the guest bedroom and came in here around 8 in the morning to check on you. I didn't hurt anyone" he says his voice breaking a little.

"I just couldn't stand to see you hurt liebling... that broke my heart... I wasn't there to protect you it's my fault" he says looking me in my eyes.

"No it's not your fault" I say calming down now.

"Please don't run away from me" He says looking away. He looks back at me and I see that his eyes are glassy. Is he about to cry. I think to myself.

"I don't know what ide do if I lost you" he says his voice breaking .

My heart swells and I find the strength to move my arms up from under him and I wrap them around him.

"I'm not gonna leave I promise" I say softly.

Hey guys! How're you liking the book so far? I'm thinking I will make about 40 chapters and then maybe make a second book 🤔🤔 idk...

I have a lot in store 😉

A Forbidden Love (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant