You Can't

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I turn away from Alby "we'll see about that" I mumble under my breath so that he couldn't hear me. I walk to a building that was missing some of the coverage in the walls, if they wont let me, I'll go in myself I though looking at the sky, my plan was simple, I knew when the doors would close so right before they did, I would run in, it was dangerous, stupid, and everything in between but I wanted to so I was going to.

I untied a knot and laced the board in slipping the new rope and tying it yanking it as tight as it could go.

I took a deep breath and turned around coming face to face with Minho. I jumped back smashing my lower back into the building "damn it Minho, what the hell."

He looked at me somewhat confused before asking me if I've seen any of the runners come out of the maze.

I rubbed my lower back glaring at him "no, I haven't" I answered honestly, and that's when he did something I didn't expect.

He moved closer to me "listen, I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier, it's just" he paused thinking of the right words "I don't want you to get hurt."

I looked up at him confused, what did he mean he didn't want me getting hurt. I paused looking down at my feet and then looking back up at him saying the first thing that came to mind, "you're kidding me right?"

His expression changed, he was not as smug as he usually was, instead, he was serious, a little to serious "no, Dagger the truth is" he paused again looking down, his face getting redder then it was when he got back from running the maze, "I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt."

I smiled and rested my hand on his shoulder making him look up at me again, I didn't say anything, I wanted to but, I couldn't find the right words, I still had the feeling that he was lying to me, like Alby might have to him to say this so I wouldn't be mad, he still doesn't trust me he probably doesn't even care I thought taking my hand away and walking to the doors of the maze as everyone waited beside me. I stuck my hand into my pocket and felt around for the knife I was carrying on me. I found it and left it there sliding my hand back out of my pocket.

The runners came out panting trying to catch their breath. They made it just in time I thought glancing over my shoulder as people started to walk away.

A roar was released from the maze and the doors started closing, that's when I did it, I bolted into the maze my footsteps echoing as I ran in, I made it far enough for the doors to not close on me. I stopped and turned around looking back into the Glade.

The boys turned around eyes wide looking at me, Minho was the first to react, he ran towards the doors as fast as he could only to be held back by Alby and Gally. He tried to push past them but, couldn't.

"Dagger, you can't, please" I heard him yell as the gap between the doors was closing.

I blinked and waved hearing another roar behind me. My eyes widen as I spun around on my heal seeing a Griever behind me. I didn't move but I could hear the screams, the pleads behind me. I turned around again seeing Minho break away from the shocked boys and running to the doors as they closed. I could hear him pounding on the doors from inside the maze, but I wasn't paying attention, the Griever was getting closer and closer to me.

I felt something in my neck heat up and I winced at the new sensation. The Griever stopped right above me, slime dripping on my shirt. I grimaced in disgust and stepped back, pressing my palms onto the cold surface of the door. I felt something cut my arm and looked seeing a rock sticking out of my flesh, I pulled the rock out, the Griever still staring at me as I wiped the blood on my shirt.

I sighed and took off my shirt leaving me in a light blue tank top. I wiped most of the blood off and dropped my shirt to the ground turning my attention back to the Griever in front of me. "You're kind of cute" I said rubbing his head. He motioned for me to get on his back and I did, he took off fast down the maze.

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