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"Memory and smell are intertwined; it's through memory that we learn to remember smells and disorders that take away one's memory from distinguishing certain scents." 
- H. Fields. (Association for Psychological Science)

The Doctor begged her to continue as Janneth finished her cup of water

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The Doctor begged her to continue as Janneth finished her cup of water.

Earlier, she complained about having throat problems as she was coughing continuously. Therefore,Dr. Everett offered her a drink to clear it all away.

Yet, Janneth sensed the frog in the throat episode must have been Piper's revenge from the dead, and it must have been a way to prevent her from speaking the truth. But then again Janneth knew she had been crying earlier, which might explain the hoarseness in her voice.


My mother spoke to me as if she were being controlled by a spirit, Doctor. That was the reason I was scared of her, yet I loved her just the same time. She was still my mother, my own flesh, and blood. But I'm afraid she passed on the evil spirit to me and the doll I used to have made my life a living hell. So, I had to burn Piper with my class as witnesses, once Mother died. The class also knew what Piper had done to them.

Just one look in her eyes and she will put a trance on you. She was dangerous!

Janneth closed her eyes for a bit and placed her hands through her dark shoulder-length hair. There wasn't a minute that she didn't regret going to a psychologist's office, as her social worker recommended Dr. Everett. But Janneth didn't really have a choice, as she had to pick between the rehabilitation center or the insane asylum for the public display she did.

A concerned parent called the police on Ms. Hudson based on the aftermath and that is how she got arrested. They told her she was a maniac for pulling such an act, but Janneth knew that was not true.

 They told her she was a maniac for pulling such an act, but Janneth knew that was not true

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As Janneth gazed into Dr. Everett's dark brown eyes she smiled, "Yes Doctor," as if nothing had bothered her. "I'm sorry for my earlier tantrums, that wasn't me at all. And, I promise to continue onward with my story."

She patted down her dress to assure herself that she was going to stay strong despite her fears that a freaking doll would come back to life to get revenge.

When my mother was hospitalized as a child for some time, her aunts used to push her wheelchair around the children's ward. And she told me that in one part of the hallway, the hospital staff had a doll case of figures around the world.

It was here that she saw one that terrified her. The exotic doll that had a name tag that read, Prue. Mom said the doll was from Africa, and somehow she felt a deep connection to it. As if Prue knew who she was. The reason why I say that is because when Mom left that hospital, she felt Prue's presence everywhere she went. I don't know if the story is true, but maybe the doll's previous owner was mad at someone who did them wrong and so that person stuck inside Prue's body wanted to get out!

"Okay, Ms. Hudson, I'd like to stop there if I may. What does Prue have to do with all of this?" asked the Doctor.

"I'll be getting to that as I am sure Prue is the precursor of who I burned. Her spirit remains," Janneth replied.

At that moment, a faint sound was heard like a swishing noise that made Janneth jump out of her seat. It must have been that the wind for the window was half-opened, so Dr. Everett stood up to close it. But even then, Janneth knew it was her.

Piper has awakened!

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