Part 3: Tabitha as Student

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All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allan Poe

Whitly school: 1975

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Whitly school: 1975

A  stray black cat tried to enter the fifth-grade classroom, but it was quickly shooed away by the class clown, named James. Apparently he was doing his handstands again and frightened the animal as he made faces.

Yet, James stood up once Tabitha entered the room, for he knew there was something about her that caused her classmates to stand alert.

And with her presence was the curious cat that needed her attention and care.

"Miss Whittle, we do not allow any animals inside the classroom, you must leave the cat outside. And that goes for you too James. Please behave or you'll be visiting the principal's office soon enough."

Fifth-grade teacher, Janneth Hudson was viewed as a strict teacher who learned that her students needed discipline.

"Yes, Miss Hudson," both replied in unison.

While James sat back in his seat with a bit of resentment written upon on his face; a sign that meant he was up to planning his next pranks, Tabitha bent down next to the cat and whispered a few words. As if kitty could hear her, 'The Lost Lenore' left as she purred; a sign that meant goodbye.

How the feline was able to get inside the school grounds was anybody's guess. But in truth, the kitty wasn't a cat at all, but one who was a spirit of a witch who was punished by her bad deeds. In disguise, 'Lenore' was kept by the Witches of Warwick for a reason, one that would help Miss Hudson calm down.

For it wasn't too long ago that the one named Lenore knew Janneth's fate after news of her mother's death. A pirate's curse still lingered within the Callis - Hudson family tree. One who Lenore predicted to be deadly as she knew she would be fighting against Piper, a friendly spirit who has now turned evil. Murdering people without any notice by poison, just because of their reckless actions.

And that was Lenore's mission to find Piper, who hid within a doll. And she was summoned to help Tabitha by the mysterious  Whittle family who lived in the east end of town.

Their adopted daughter Tabitha was already of age, but could pass for a grade school student due to her youthful child-like face. And as the Witches Council required the Whittles to do, they enrolled Tabitha  in the Whitly Elementary School to observe the teacher who would  be framed for murder.

The Witches of Warwick were a coven of ladies who gathered in secrecy, so outsiders wouldn't know they even existed. Their aim was to heal those in dire need for help, either in the broken-hearted department or in other means such as of a curse. They had a thick book of spells,  ones that could even date back from hundred of years ago when wizards were thought to be the only sources of sorcery.

And even though the term witchcraft has a negative connotation,  it actually means the craft of the wise. And that's what the pagan views were about, as Tabitha and family were followers.

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