Think First, Before You Say Goodbye

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"Every ending is a new beginning" 

- Marianne Williamson

Tabitha led Nevah inside the museum as the brass doors automatically swung open

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Tabitha led Nevah inside the museum as the brass doors automatically swung open. It was remote controlled by those who had access to the alarm system inside. It was built-in as Tabitha made sure there wouldn't be any intruders or thieves coming inside.

When she came back to the wax museum a year ago, Tabitha found the old doors to be a dull gray color and they were dirty, spotted with years of water damage. Thus, she took the time to ask them to be replaced by professionals. Ones that were shinier and had more appeal to them.

Peonies in vases greeted both of them as they passed the corridor, since Tabitha asked her gardner to place them there. Since flowers have a long-term positive effect on moods, she knew it was the right thing to do.

Her objective was to attract a greater audience to visit Warwick Museum, since no one has set foot in 666 Sleepy Hollow Lane since the witches have arrived.

The reason might lie in the fact that most were scared. Many who have heard about the history of the old building there heard that it once was a gallery that was built in the 1800's. As one can only imagine, this property's rather diverse history in Burney, has had a hand in sparking all of its paranormal activity, or that is how the story goes.

In those days, people fought over inheritance and argued about other family affairs, causing merchants to create coffins once someone died. And since the town's land was small in size, the burial grounds were often scattered around. And the building known as Burney's Coffin Gallery was born. Here, it was like a modern day mortuary where the families would often mourn over their loved ones.

By the 1900's it was abandoned as the remains of the dead were moved to another part of town as the Gallery could not hold any more bodies. But one thing was for certain, it did not mean that the lost souls left willingly.


A man only by the name of Hyperion, made use of the land again after it was deserted. After Hyperion dreamt of an establishment where mannequins of celebrity figures stood, he saw it as an omen that asked him to build one in town. However, instead of glamorizing celebrities, he wanted to tell the story of the people around Burney through a form of art. He bought mannequins of all kinds ... men, women, children and even animals such as a black cat he named Lenore. He dressed them in all kinds of fashions he bought throughout his journies all over the world.

But, Hyperion was not aware of the previous use of the land, as spirits were known to haunt the place. Even though guests came to entice Hyperion's delight, as he soon made lots of money from it. But once Hyperion died in 1950, the Wax Museum was left alone, deserted since no one was interested in keeping the building intact.

In short, the Witches Council connected the dots; this was what attracted Piper to it. A place where a spirit can freely roam on her own. Ghostly souls she could befriend, and dusty mannequins that were abandoned. It was a place for individual people to interact together.

Pointing at a sturdy bookcase that was already attached to a wall, Tabitha mentioned that this was where the prism would reside. The name plate of Piper was already marked underneath as if someone was already waiting for its return.

Nevah carefully handed the cylindrical object to the witch. He figured that she wanted it as a decor rather than letting everyone else know that the evil entity has been found. And since he now knew her name was Piper, he voiced out what he thought.

"Piper? Isn't that a flute player's name?"

Tabitha thought about it and an idea popped in her head.

"Why of course! Why did I not think of that earlier? Thank you Dr. Everett for that idea. We should give Piper her own flute!"

Not knowing why this plan of hers developed, Nevah shrugged his shoulders. Yet, because he was also a musician at heart, he had a spare one that could be donated.

"I think I can help you with that Miss Whittle. I have one in my apartment that I will donate to your foundation. And I do hope you change your mind about a grand opening for Piper's discovery. It will not only benefit me but also this museum's popularity."

Tabitha smiled in agreement since words could not describe what she felt. An uneasy feeling in the stomach told her that the release of Piper to the public was risky, knowing that her childhood experience with her ended up in ruins. Yet, she did not want to upset the archaeologist as Nevah worked hard to see this day.

"I'll do it Doctor. And thank you for donating your flute."


The day of the grand opening came and the two divers of the Marina Bayou Organization were invited. Gustavo decided not to go as he knew that his rival would be there. But that did not stop Mary Anne from attending. Mary Anne knew what she wanted and Gustavo wasn't going to prevent her from doing it.

As she entered the museum, Mary Anne reached into her bag to take something out. It was the picture of the shipwreck she took before everything crumpled into the sea.

Mary Anne bumped into the tall man she knew as her ex as she did this. Looking up to him she grinned. 

"I think this should also be included in the display, don't you think Nevin?"

He nodded.

Smiling at her, Nevah was happy that Mary Anne felt safe in his hands again as they had history together. He needed someone back into his life to make him whole again.

When they went to visit Piper's display case, Mary Anne noticed something odd in the corner.

"Look over there Nevin, doesn't that doll look familiar?"

Nevah was aghast at what he saw. A miniature man was playing a flute. HIs flute! And he 
looked exactly like Gustavo Arabulla.

Could it be him? Did the wise guy turn into a doll? The two were left dumbfounded.

Now that they were holding hands again nothing else mattered as Nevah got his wish and Mary Anne got her man back.

Be careful of what you say or do for Piper might come alive to haunt you!

Be careful of what you say or do for Piper might come alive to haunt you!

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The End!

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