Unseen Danger

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"I feel the need to endanger myself every so often."

― Tim Daly

Once Janneth left his office with her social worker, Nolan quickly went to work to claim his proof of evidence before his next appointments would arrive

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Once Janneth left his office with her social worker, Nolan quickly went to work to claim his proof of evidence before his next appointments would arrive.

 He was focused on retrieving the camera he thought he hid behind his books and other literary works. But since Janneth was able to spot the device easily, he knew that he didn't do a  great job.

The cabinet was about his height, so Nolan believed he could remove the apparatus without any haste. All he had to do was take down his philosophical books and put them aside. All he had to do next was to unscrew the nail that kept the camera intact.

But as soon as he stood next to the cabinet, mysteriously it began to shake. As if an earthquake or rumble took place at that exact moment. An unnatural phenomenon that generated sudden movements. Every beat of his heart now bolted after another, as he figured that the bookcase would now topple over him.

And even though Nolan wasn't religious, he still kept some faith within him. The doctor folded his hands to say a short prayer that he wouldn't get injured.

Within that moment, Nolan focused on his family, his beautiful wife for three years, and his newborn. His elderly mother was under his sister's care ever since his father passed away. And now he was worried he would follow his father's own footsteps.

Nolan pleaded for help hoping that even an angel would help him. Even if it was a dark one.

Miraculously, something came over the doctor's mind as if the unknown spirit helped him recover.

On one side of the bookcase, there was a sharp-edged end table. Seeing this, he let go of his hold of the bookcase and reached for the table before he lost his balance. His arm slid down making a long sharp bruise on his arm, as he cried out in pain. But despite the agony, Nolan remained calm and pulled out in the nick of time before the bookcase fell to the floor.

David ran upstairs as soon as he heard a loud thud from his ceiling. He knew just above him was Doctor Everett's office and needed to see if his colleague needed help. So, he ran up the stairs to check up on Nolan.

When he entered the office he noticed that Nolan's secretary, Vera, wasn't at her desk to greet him. Usually, a friendly woman would be there, so since she was absent, her absence made David worry even more.

What if the two were in danger? 

David knew that his ex also had a client under Nolan's care, so he was worried about her safety. Seeing Joanne again, was a dream come true, but to lose her again would destroy him.

The waiting room's door was wide open, so he rushed to save his colleague from despair.

Turning the doorknob in a circular motion, it clicked and from underneath the table, a moan was heard.

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