II. (a) Theory 1: The Lombroso's Effect

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"Be Very Nervous of the Shaky Hands."
- Ja Rule aka Jeffrey Atkins (American Musician/Rapper/Actor)

"- Ja Rule aka Jeffrey Atkins (American Musician/Rapper/Actor)

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Several days ago:

Once Nolan and David left the hospital, the injured man now had a cast around his arm. On their way to David's car, the two talked about the episode that happened earlier.

Embarrassed, Nolan felt like an idiot as his colleague kept taunting him about how he was right about his prediction.

"I told you Everett, that wound isn't something that will just heal on its own. You needed the Doc to check it out, buddy."

Annoyed at David's remark, Nolan managed to smack him with his good arm. He was irritated already for not listening to his own conscience.

"Ouch! What was that for Everett? I practically saved your life!" 

Nolan eyed him with glaring eyes and laughed at what he just said.

"You think you're so smart, Hadley. Don't you think I know who you were really trying to look for today? That would be your ex ... as in Joanne. Am I right?"

His co-worker became silent as he knew he had been caught. The lovebug struck David twice and now he was sorry for the mess he made in the past.

"Okay, you got me there, Nolan. I'm sorry but I can't help it. I screwed up, big time!"

Now David was the one who felt ashamed and pouted for what he did.

Patting his friend on his back, Nolan comforted him.

"Don't fret, David. Even though we don't normally see eye to eye, I got your back. Thanks for bringing me to the hospital. You're a good man. I still don't know what you see in Joanne as I view her as a strict woman. She nearly blew up when she barged in my office with my client! You must be some sick puppy wanting his mate again!  

David frowned once he heard those words about his ex as Joanne might be tough on the outside, but she was an angel on the inside. She was a great mother for their two children and for ten years, they had a wonderful marriage together.

As Nolan saw how his friend reacted to his comments, he decided to cheer him up.

"Don't feel so bad Dave, if she loves you, she'll come back to you. And thanks for helping me out again. I owe you one, shmuck!"

David chuckled knowing that Nolan was going to be alright.

And two gentlemen entered David's vehicle to drive back to the office.

And two gentlemen entered David's vehicle to drive back to the office

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David helped Nolan as they both walked up the stairs to the office. The door was supposedly locked but the light was left on. It bewildered both men, but they figured that it must be the janitor cleaning up.

Turning to face Nolan, David asked him the only sensible reason he could think of. 

"Do you think that's the janitor, Everett? His work usually starts later in the evening, but he could be here for a reason."

"Might as well check it out, Hadley. No harm in trying."

As the two opened the door, they got a surprise of their lives!

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