Whitly Middle School

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"You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over."
- Richard Branson

As she entered the room, Janneth sensed there was something different about it

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As she entered the room, Janneth sensed there was something different about it. It was as if she suddenly gained a sixth sense, a special ability that Piper's spirit gave her. It was allowed her to know that something wasn't quite right. As if Piper knew what the doctor did to the room and this session might be more of an investigation than a normal sit down.

This made the doll's spirit very insecure and soon she'll make her appearance.

Dr. Everett's office was cleaner than yesterday, meaning that it wasn't as messy as before with books scattered on his desk and the carpet on the floor must have been vacuumed recently with an new vacuum cleaner for she could smell the fresh odor. And a window was slightly open to let the air out.

Janneth probably didn't care to notice it, but wooden plaques that displayed his diploma and certificates that state the recommendations from the Board of Psychology were also neatly hung in rows.

In fact, she thought that he might have something to hide or was expecting somebody else other than herself.

Piper definitely would show up due to this type of atmosphere. Her immediate thought reminded her of the lost soul and how Piper was a neat freak. Moving things around on the table/desk in order to create an orderly look. Good at hiding things to make the living space look tidy.

The doll's body turned into ashes once it burnt to the ground, but the remnants of her tattered dress were scattered neatly in a pile as if someone lined them up.

Thus, she questioned the fact if ghosts and spirits were real. It's a question that everyone might like answered as if the real answer hovered over their head. But Janneth tried to keep her mind back into the present and was ready to start a new session with the doctor.

"So, Ms. Hudson, here we are again. Please make yourself comfortable. Please lie on the futon if you want to as I don't want you to fall on the ground as you did yesterday."

Janneth's cheeks turned pink as she remembered the previous day's event. She wasn't the one behind those stunts, but who would believe her? The court thought she was insane, so she believed Dr. Everett would do the same.

"Now, tell me exactly what happened at the school you were working in and why did you ask your students to take part in this burning episode?"

There wasn't any response for a while from Janneth as she was in deep thought as if she were positioned as the statue "The Thinker" sculpted by the French artist named Auguste Rodin. Her chin rested on her hand as she sighed.

This perplexed Nolan for a bit, so he began to snap his fingers again to keep her awake.

"Ms. Hudson, Ms. Hudson, are you listening to me?"

After a few seconds, Janneth's upper body moved and raised her hands to stretch. She didn't realize that the Doctor talked to her earlier.

"I'm sorry Dr. Everett, I must've dozed off a bit. I had a long night. Could you please repeat what you asked?"

Nolan nodded as his worries showed upon his face. With a furrowed brow and as he interlocked his fingers together, he decided to continue.

"Very well, Ms. Hudson. I asked if you can tell me more about the school you worked at and how did your students become a part of the burning scheme. And of course, you can take all the time to reveal this information to me. We have all month to get this squared away so you can safely return to your family. I'm here for you Ms. Hudson. Whatever is bothering you, we can always talk about it if you want to."

Hearing this Janneth let out a breath she didn't know she held.

I taught fifth-graders in Whitly Middle School for three years and things were exceptionally good. Well, it seemed to be, in my opinion. For two years, I didn't have any trouble with my students and they left my private life alone. In addition to that, my elderly mother was still alive. She lived in a nursing home, where I knew caretakers were able to take care of her. But after the second year of my teaching, it didn't come to my knowledge that my mother passed away. I received a call from Millicent, my mother's nursing aide that night and rushed to see Mom, but I was too late. I didn't even get to say goodbye!

Tears started pouring down her cheeks so Dr. Everett stood up to give her a box of tissues.

She took them and started looking around the room to see if the coast was clear. She didn't want any spirits interfering with what she had to say in this session.

Thankfully, it was silent as if not a creature stirred. Only the eyes of a psychologist were looking upon her, thus, feeling slightly embarrassed for pausing, Janneth closed her eyes. Knowing that the coast was clear, she continued on.

As I said I didn't even get to say goodbye, so I told the staff at Whitly school to find a substitute to take over for I needed a week off to recover. And that's when things started to go awry.

Then she saw it, the small camera hidden in view.

"You taped me, without my permission?"

Just then a second voice was heard.

"He did. And I'm back, Jan! Tabitha couldn't hold me down!"

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