5 I won't talk to you

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Part 5

Ratna's mind was not at peace. She knew how excited Arnav was. But now, his face didn't seem so. He avoids his in-laws. She didn't see him talking to Lavanya. She expected some teasing gestures between his son and daughter-in-law. Many girls wanted to marry Arnav. Arnav didn't like anyone. She had seen fire in those girls' eyes while they look at Arnav. But Lavanya doesn't even look at Arnav. How a girl could ignore a handsome husband like Arnav? She is not even looking like a new bride. She was as same as before marriage also but Ratna thought she was shying. But now, it seems something. Ratna was disturbed. Hell disturbed.

Lavanya didn't come out of the room until Arnav reaches home. She didn't stay in their room after he came home. She was pretending like helping Ratna in the kitchen.

Ratna: Beta, you can go. I have almost finished.

LA: It's ok aunty.

Ratna: You can call me Amma.

LA: It's ok aunty, no formalities...

She left the kitchen, leaving agitated Ratna.

Lavanya came to their room. She saw Arnav working on his laptop. Taking a book from her bag, she went to the poolside and started reading it.

Ratna who crossed the poolside saw La sitting there, reading a book. How many days would this girl take to become casual? She sighed.

Though Arnav was working on his laptop his mind was not calm. What he did is right? He asked Khushi to go by taxi. She got to know that he intentionally dropped her in the taxi stand. Though she doesn't know the real reason she would have felt bad. He should not have done that. He knew very well why he dropped her in the midway. He didn't like when she said: "I won't marry you". Though his mind was not ready to accept it his heart knows the truth.

He was clear in one thing. How much he keeps distance from Khushi, he would come out of her thoughts, he believed that.

Next-Day in AR

Arnav heard a knock on the door. He lifted his head and got stuck seeing Khushi with a broad smile. He was suffocating to react to her sudden entry. But Khushi didn't have such a problem.

Khushi: Hi Arnavji...

She said with a fainting smile. Arnav was gazing at her without saying "HI"

Khushi: I can't believe that this big company's COE can be a cynic who doesn't even say HI. (pause) where is La?

Arnav raised his eyebrows like "LA?"

Khushi: Such lazy bones she is. No punctuality at all.

Arnav: La?

Khushi: I called her here.

Arnav frowned at her.

Khushi: Because I don't want you to feel insecure in my presence.

Arnav rolled his eyes... Is Lavanya coming here? God... This girl...

Khushi took the receiver of AR's landline and dialled Lavanya's number without asking Arnav's permission. La attended it.

Khushi: Where the hell are you? (she paused and dropped her jaw) haven't you started yet? (sighing) I have reached AR. (pause) yes.... standing in front of your (in gauzy tone) cynic husband.

Arnav raised his eyes towards her. It seems, he heard her.

Khushi(pouting): Go to hell with your headache... I'm angry with you. I won't talk to you.

She disconnected the call making face. She looked at Arnav.

Khushi: She is not coming. (pause) Do you know why I'm here?

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