23 Lavanya's Love

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Part 23

Khushi got horrified hearing,

"Did she commit suicide?"

Her eyes brimmed straightaway.

Khushi: How do you know?

Sheetal sensed her mistake of blurting out her prediction.

Khushi: Tell me, Sheetal... Please.... I'm getting mad in Lavanya's matter. You are right she committed suicide. But everyone is thinking she died in an accident except me. I just came here to know about it. Please don't disappoint me. Please...

Sheetal (crying): I know this would happen surely. She could never forget VIKAS and she can't give his place to anyone.

Khushi: Vikas?

Sheetal: Yes... they were deeply in love.

Khushi's state could not be defined.

Khushi: LOVE? But we didn't know about it....

Sheetal: Because she didn't want your father to know about it until she finishes her graduation. She thought he will not allow her to continue her studies.

Khushi: Why didn't she think of telling me about it? Don't you know how close we were?

Sheetal: She so wanted to tell you, Khushi. But she was afraid of your teasing nature. It may spill the beans...

Khushi gulped. Lavanya; who she considered her soul sister had an unknown life.

Khushi: How long they were in love?

Sheetal: For three years. Lavanya joined MASTERS in Mumbai only for Vikas. As time passed, their love became so deeper. She spends in his clinic most of the time.

Khushi: Clinic?

Sheetal: He is a Doctor. She goes to his clinic every day. People thought she is working in his clinic. They took it in their favor as no one could doubt them. She was not blessed with the life she wished.

She pitied her.

Khushi: But why? Why did they get separated?

Sheetal: It's all fate.... Vikas came to me one day and asked for Lavanya... but I didn't say that she got married. Even though he was not wrong I didn't like to talk to him.

Khushi: Actually, what happened? Why she broke up Vikas's relationship?

Sheetal: She went to his clinic, as usual, to meet him one day. But, an unexpected shock was waiting for her there...

Khushi: What shock?

Sheetal: She found someone in his clinic...

At the same time, they saw a few ladies rushing towards them.

Woman: Sheetal, what are you doing here? Come fast. It's already late. Everyone is waiting. Come on...

They started dragging her with them.

Sheetal: Khushi... we will talk later... ok?

Khushi nodded OK disappointedly. Sheetal stopped in front of a man and beckoned at Khushi. Khushi rushed towards her.

Sheetal: Uncle, she is Khushi. My friend... from Delhi... Please arrange a room for her stay.

Man: Ok... I will take care of it.

Sheetal: Make yourself comfortable, Khushi.

Khushi nodded Ok.

Man: Are you alone?

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