48 Anu's Entry

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Part 48 

It's been a week; Anu hasn't got a reply from AR. Anu kept nagging Khushi about it. But Khushi didn't dare to ask Arnav about it as she got to know that he is the one who is going to approve her application.

Khushi almost finished her project. She completed it with Arnav's guidance. Arnav approved her application. No doubt, Khushi was happy about it. She rushed to Arnav's cabin, after cutting Anu's call. Arnav stopped typing and leaned on the seat, seeing her sudden entry.

Khushi: Arnav....

She panted hard.

Arnav: Take a breath and say.

Khushi: Thank you so much.

Arnav: For?

Khushi: For approving Anu's application.

Arnav accepted her THANKS by nodding his head.

Khushi(curiously): Arnav... who is going to guide Anu?

Arnav: Why?

Khushi: Just like I got you, Anu also should get a good guide.

Arnav: She will...

Khushi: Yeah... when will she come?

Arnav: From tomorrow onwards.

Khushi: Okkey... I'm going.

Arnav: Where?

Khushi: To the sketch room. I have to finish the design which I started today morning.

Arnav: Don't you want my TOUCH?

Khushi: No... I will finish it. You come after I call you.

Arnav: Ohh... that's fine.

Khushi got back to the sketch room. She continued the work which she left. After an hour, she called Arnav. Within a few minutes, Arnav was standing in front of the design, awe struck. Yeah... there was no TOUCH-UP needed. Arnav looked at her proudly.

Khushi: How is it?

Arnav: Just wow...

Khushi: Really?

Arnav: Yup.

Khushi: Doesn't it need a TOUCH?

Arnav: No need. It looks awesome.

Khushi: yeahhhhh

She hugged him happily.

Arnav: I really need this TOUCH.

Khushi(breaking the hug): here?

Arnav: Wherever...

Khushi: Let's go home.

Arnav(widening his eyes): Really?

Khushi(suppressing her smile): Yeah... I'm tired.

Arnav: Tired?

Khushi: Haann...

Arnav: I have an unromantic wife.

Khushi: I have an irresponsible husband?

Arnav: Ohh really?

Khushi: Then what? We planned for a trip. remember?

Arnav: I do... uncle is not free this week. He said he himself will tell you that. That's why I didn't tell you. We will go next week.

Khushi: But he didn't call me.

Arnav: Maybe, he should try to make it this week.

Khushi: That's fine. We will go next week.

DILJALE( THE BURNING HEART) Completed ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz