you surprise her on tour

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Your legs felt like jelly, buckling underneath you with every step you took. You dragged your suitcase behind you with one hand, the other wrapped around the hotel key that Yeji gave you when you met her downstairs in the lobby.

You're surprised to say that your surprise visit to see Chaeryeong was actually pulled off. You only told Yeji and she's pretty trustworthy when you need to confide in her about things like these. But you've both come close to spilling the beans before your arrival today. Because your girlfriend's been feeling down.

Her beautiful smile that you adore hasn't appeared much. Your Skype calls have been more silent and awkward with your girlfriend so sad, so in need of you being by her side, yet so afraid to ask in case you couldn't make it.

She'd never ask you to sacrifice your own dreams with your current work just to be by her side. She thought she could manage. But you both found out very quickly that being handling the distance and time differences was much easier said than done.

Yeji's the only one who knew about your visit, but she's consoled Chaeryeong with the girls many times before. Your trip has been planned for about a week and she's come close to ruining the surprise, wondering if it'd make her best friend smile again.

But she knew she would be much happier to find out when you're standing in front of her, so she kept it a secret.

And now, as you walk down the hall of the hotel floor and then quickly stood in front of her hotel room door, all of the secret-keeping and traveling felt so worth it, now that you're so close to being back in her arms once more.

You took a deep breath and put the key in the lock. You waited for the lights to flash green before you pulled it back out. You turned the handle and walked into the hotel room.

Right away, your heart was hammering against your chest. You could smell her perfume in the air and quickly, your eyes landed on her curled up in bed, flipping through the tv channels in hopes of finding something to entertain herself with.

You cleared your throat and she didn't turn her head at first, simply thinking you were just one of the girls about to ask if she wanted to go out. She was about to say no and skype you again but when she finally turned her head, she was shocked to see that it was you.

Shocked seemed like an understatement. Because as soon as it all sank in, she was on her sock-covered feet and running to the other side of the room to you. She threw her arms around you and brought you in for a hug.

You laughed and the key fell from your hands and onto the carpeted floor so you could loop your arms around her neck and hold her tight as she spun you around.

"You're here! I can't believe it!"

"Surprise, baby!" You smiled and watched her eyes light up when you were gently placed back onto your feet. Her hands fell to your hips, her forehead falling onto yours. "I had to come and see you. I've missed you so much. I couldn't handle another month without you by my side."

She leaned in to lay a kiss on your lips. A shaky sigh fell from her lips and onto yours as it all hit her. You're by her side again, at last. Finally.

"I'm so happy you're here. I wanted to ask you if you could come see me before but I didn't want to ask." She had tears in her eyes and she shook her head with a growing smile as you caressed her cheek. "Never mind that, though. You're here now and that's all that matters."

"I agree." You said before kissing her once more. "How do you only get more and more beautiful with every day?"

She chuckled and kissed across your face before lifting you back into her arms. She carried you across the room and your back hit the mattress before she hovered over you.

Her soft lips hit your lips time and time again, her fingers intertwining with your own so she could hold your hands in hers like she's been dreaming of doing since the moment she had no choice but to drop it when she had to board her plane months ago; although it felt like forever ago, now.

"You're even more beautiful." She whispered in your ear before softly kissing the shell. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. But I'm by your side for the next week. So no more tears, only that big, beautiful smile of yours."

She giggled happily, her smile showing again as you wiped away the happy tear threatening to fall from her sparkly eyes.

Oh, how you love that smile. The screen of your laptop never does it justice. It's even more breathtaking when she's this close to you, like everything else about her is.

"If it makes you feel better, they're only tears of joy,"

You chuckled and pulled her in for another kiss. When she pulled away a few seconds later, she laid her cheek on your shoulder and closed her eyes.

You've only been by her side for minutes, but everything feels better already. The sun is already coming back out and in her eyes, it was no mystery as to why. Because you're her sunshine. You make everything so much better.

She breathed out a soft sigh and it fell against the skin of your neck. Your heart was beginning to beat in sync with hers, her hands still holding yours securely.

All you could do, as you stared down at the girl you're so wholeheartedly in love with, is feel so thankful that you're the lucky one that gets moments like these with her.

She already looked happier than she has for the last couple of months you've been apart. You still have a week to spend together and you know every second of it by Chaeryeong's side will be magical.

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