Chapter 39 - Tensions arise

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"Your majesty and Noble Philip, Prince Stephen and the others have returned", said Rowan. Henry and Philip both stared intently as Rowan said this.

" Did they rescue Arena", King Henry asked.

" Yes, she is resting as she is very weak, John tortured her with a special powder apparently", said Rowan. Philip stiffened slightly, thinking of his weak granddaughter and his own daughter Eliana, worried for Arena.

It was a shock that Eliana had had a child right under his nose and he was furious that it was Hood's daughter but he loved his daughter too much to cast her aside and kill Arena. He too had heard about Arena and he was intrigued by the young girl. Now that he knew she was his granddaughter, he had another option to give his estate and everything else to Arena if something was to happen to Eliana.

" How weak is she", Henry asked quietly.

" Quite weak, Stephen and Hunter were waiting until she woke up when I left them", said Rowan.

" Thank you Rowan, you are dismissed", Henry muttered. Rowan bowed to the two men and quickly left to set up the arangements Stephen had set.

" Excuse me Philip, I am just going to check on my son and Arena, they are quite close, Stephen is very fond of Arena", smiled Henry.

" Really, why?", Philip asked curiously.

" She saved his life as well Hunter's and many others and they have become good friends, Stephen told me that Arena is not like any girl he's met, common or noble", said Henry gruffly. It was getting on Henry's nerves how much Philip was interested in Arena.

They had no connection, they hadn't even met. Philip was here for Eliana who was Arena's friend but it was strange how much attention Philip was interested in Arena's wellbeing, even offering men to find her. After all this drama is sorted and John, Damon and his men are caught, I'm keeping a closer eye on Philip, Henry thought grumpily.

" Do you mind your majesty that I come along too, I would like to see how Arena is and check how my daughter is faring when her friend is unwell", said Philip.

Henry stiffened slightly at these words but what could he do? Their relationship between the Earlene family was already strained, he didn't want a war. Not with John's men so active and dangerous at the moment. First his own son and then Arena, something needed to be done immediately!

" Of course but please understand that Arena's security will be increased with only a few allowed to visit, you'll have to ask permission from my son or someone else who visits her", said Henry stiffly.

Philip nodded stiffly, resisting the urge to punch the king. If he only knew about Arena being his granddaughter, that Eliana and Robin Hood were Arena's parents. I promise I wouldn't tell anyone until Eliana and Robin have told Arena the truth. Hopefully, Arena will come with him and Eliana once she's better and he would make sure she had everything she ever wanted.

The King and Philip walked together in silence as they made their way towards Arena's room. Hunter and Stephen stood outside talking in hush tensed tones. Philip peered down the long hallway, searching. No Robin Hood, so he must be resting, thought Philip.

" Hunter, Stephen", grumbled King Henry. " How is she", he asked as the two boys turned towards the King.

" She woke up just before, she's okay but...", choked Stephen.

" She's very weak, whatever John did to her took its toll on her, she just went back to sleep", said Hunter quietly. Philip stared at Prince Stephen closely and frowned. The boy looked sickly pale and his eyes look tired and puffy. Hunter didn't look much better.

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