Chapter 48 - The aftermath

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Eliana could hear the fighting from outside the medical tent. They were rushing around setting up everything before any wounded came. Her heart was pounding as she helped other women and healers set up multiple makeshift beds, unpacked equipment and medicine.

Ella was in charge with a few healers as she directed where everything should go. She was setting up the tent on the hill first before going to help the one at the bottom with Jade.

" Put those over there and someone get water, we'll need it for washing wounds", Ella shouted as someone rushed to obey. Eliana continued to set up beds and organise bandages and medicine ready to be used when the wounded came. There was no such thing as no injured men when it came to battles and war.

Eliana hoped they were alright. Not just her daughter and Robin but the prince, Hunter, Cederic, Roger and Zach. They were all too young to be fighting, there should only be peace but she knew that would never happen. There would always be someone who held a grudge with another or wanted more power, that's the way humans worked or what the books she was forced to read stated.

No matter who was in charge, there was always a flaw in the system and that flaw would annoy or anger someone which would lead to tension, fights and eventually war. It just so happened the one that was angry were John and most who got the short end of the stick from the system.

Eliana sighed as she finished her task before helping someone else. I regret not taking Arena away when I had the chance but I couldn't take away her freedom, I couldn't make her leave everything just because I was worried, Eliana thought sadly.

Clashes echoed from outside making Eliana jump in fright. The fight has begun then, Eliana thought sadly. Please don't be rash you two, Eliana thought as she worried for the two she loved the most. Her forbidden lover and their daughter.

" Eliana, I'm going to help the tent down the hill, will you and Jade be okay", Ella asked.

" Of course, we'll have everything handled", smiled Eliana. Ella smiled weakly at Eliana as she hurriedly left the tent, another two women following to help.

It didn't take long for the first injured to arrive. " Arrow wound", yelled a solider as he half carried, half dragged the wounded man through the tent.

" How is the fight going", Eliana asked quickly as she rushed to help.

" Too soon to tell madam but the prince and Hunter are doing well", the solider grumbled. He helped his injured friend onto the bed, nodded his thanks towards the healers and hurriedly left to rejoin the battle.

" It hurts", hissed the man as he tried to reach for the arrow buried deep within his stomach.

" I understand, please don't touch it", Eliana whispered as two healers came forward. " You will be fine", whispered Eliana.

" If I don't make it, could you tell my wife I love her and I'm sorry I won't be there for our child's birth", the man whispered. Sweat dripped down his forehead, his body shaking in pain.

" You will survive, just remain calm", said Eliana. Eliana stood back as she let the other lady take control.

" On the count of three, we will pull it out, bite on this", said the lady as she shoved a cloth with a herb that dulled the senses a little bit, including feeling pain. The man obeyed, biting tightly to the cloth.

" One, two... three", grumbled the lady and she swiftly yanked the arrow out, arrow head and shaft without snapping it. Blood squirted from the wound as another lady quickly rubbed herbs into it and bandaged it up.

" He'll be fine, he was lucky the arrow missed anything important", said the lady hurrying away to dispose of the arrow.

" See, you will see your wife and unborn child again, rest now", Eliana smiled. The solider smiled weakly at her and closed his eyes. Eliana sighed as she stared at the man. I hate this, she thought sadly as she moved away.
" Another one", someone yelled as Eliana turned away.

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