About the author

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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy the last chapter of this story Aiming Straight, Aiming True, I really am going to miss this story but I have the sequel to write and I know we will all enjoy it.

So this chapter is obviously about me, I will tell you a little bit about me as well as answer any questions you guys had about me, this story, the sequel, the characters, anything! Also I'm going to reveal the title and the title cover for the sequel!

Ok so firstly I'm 18 about to turn 19 in December and I live in the beautiful country of Australia. I'm from Sydney but now live up at the sunshine coast, Queensland.

I've been writing on the computer or on paper since I was 13 but I didn't discover Wattpad until I was 16 but I've been creating stories since I was 5, so I have always loved to make up stories. I used anything toys, animals or even created scenarios between two random people.

I've loved reading novels or large books since I was around 8 or 9 but I grew up with Goosebumps, Tashi and when I was 8 or 9, Harry Potter. Since then I've read hundreds of books from classics, to fantasy, romance and horror. Through Wattpad I've started reading Fan fiction.

I didn't get asked many questions but I have a general idea on what you want to know from what some have asked.

My inspiration.

For this story,  it was a cross between my fascination with archery and morals. What is right, what's wrong? Weird combo, I know but if you killed someone to save yourself or a loved one, would you?  Then I remembered Robin Hood, it had always been a story in the back of my mind and I always knew of it, not all of the details but I knew the general story and then I thought what of the next generation of Robin Hood. Then I thought of what if he had a child, a daughter because back then women didn't get to do much with lots of sexism and that, so I wanted a strong and independent female character.

Originally, I briefly thought to stick with the original story, Robin Hood and Maid Marian but then I thought no that's been done and so I decided to come up with the idea of what if Robin Hood fell in love with someone rich and had a child? That would certainly question his morals and how he lived his life. Except I wanted to focus on the child and her journey to discover who she really was. In a way, this story is kind of like a coming of age story. Thus Arena  and this story was born!

The characters
Hunter and Stephen came soon after I thought of Arena, obviously as they are the main characters. Orginally, I was just going to have Stephen but I knew he was too good, too, well plain and I always wondered if royalty grew bored of their life or if they had a close friend that was not royalty or noble born and thus Hunter was created to spice things up a bit. I do love both characters but who doesn't like a sassy bad boy, kind of :).

The rest of the characters followed except of course the surprise characters, the readers  that won the small competition to be a character. If you guys have followed along the entire story, it happened early on and I asked two questions. The characters that were born were Zach, Rowan and Jade.

Then there is Damon. Ahh Damon, I never actually planned exactly how he would turn out, he was just going to be the brainless loyal minon to Little John to be a spy but I changed my mind. Out of everyone, to me, he is probably the most complex and most realistic character. Why? Well he is not called as "black or white" meaning good or evil but grey. He's both, he has both good pure intentions but is easily twisted with corrupted evil intentions.

While Arena, Hunter and Stephen are mostly good and Little John and his gang are bad. It depends on Robin and people's perspective. Good towards the poor or common folk, evil for the rich.

How did I come up with the names?

Nearly all names are actually old English and were used during the time Robin Hood was around except Arena. I wanted an unusual name for the main female character but strong, something that stood out. Her name is originally greek but it is a very strong name and I adored it so I chose Arena.
All the other names have been used in that time period except I think Jade. Stephen is an actual royal name but not popular or is changed if they became King. I wanted Hunter to be slightly cocky and proud and so his name Brantley actually does mean proud, I googled it.

What's happening with the sequel?

So the sequel! I hope you will continue to read Arena's, Hunter's, Stephen's and the rest of the characters. So Aiming Straight, Aiming True was about Arena finding out who she is, Robin Hood's daughter. The sequel will be about figuring out who she wants to be, her choice. As well as learning more about who Damon is and where are his parents and how Arena's relationship will change with Hunter and Stephen. If all goes well with the sequel, there might be a third book, we'll see.

Ok, so are you ready for the title and cover! The sequel will be called Letting Loose, Flying Free. Like it, let me know. I wanted to make sure it was connected to archery in some way. And I hope you like the cover too!

Well that's all! I will post a small part of the sequel in this story soon as well as remind you when it's up.

Thanks guys!
Stay awesome guys!
Cheers Jordan :-)

Aiming Straight, Aiming True.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن