Chapter 27 - The past stings

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Of course Robin is late, Tuck thought as he sharpened his sword. He and the other Merry Men had found a spot in the woods, an hour away from the city and the castle. Robin better have found something nice, Tuck thought. He sighed as he watched the men laugh, drink and talk around the fire.

His gaze wandered to Thomas, his son. He smiled as Tom laughed at something Simeon said. The boy was growing up and he was more like his mother everyday, rest her soul, he thought.

He sighed quietly as he thought of his late wife Lilly. He missed her so very much but he was glad that no one could hurt her anymore and only the men here knew about Thomas. It is good though that Tom is still a secret, I wouldn't want the king or Little John coming after Tom, Tuck thought glancing at his young son.

Tuck frowned at the thought of Little John. They had been the best of mates, almost like brothers along with Robin but it all went wrong eighteen years ago. It had been a tough year, the police and the rich were hungry for their blood. They had stolen a few priceless objects that once belonged to the King's lost sister Mary and they were blame for the royal lost of their beloved Mary.

This was unjust, blaming Robin and the men on this royal scandal. It was another noble member who was the cause of the disappearance of Mary. Her and the nobleman had run off together and disappeared. Alas when has the system been fair to Robin and the Merry Men and the royals blamed Robin further when they heard of the same noble family blaming Robin for the death of the successor to the noble family.

Tuck frowned as he remembered everything. It was in the middle of that year when Robin and Eliana had first met which led to all of this happening and Robin's fallout with John. John had had a faint idea of Robin's relationship with Eliana but Robin had hid it well.

Tuck had known as he had caught them together once. He sighed, that year had been dark and gloomy. Firstly with the scuffle of Eliana's brother and Robin, then with the priceless objects and John's refusal to obey Robin after the death of a young woman that John had known.

Only Robin knew what happened with the young lady that John was so fond of but he blames himself for what happened. But it was John who made the wrong move and his fault for what happened. John had gone on an insane rampage and killed an innocent right in front of Robin. Tuck sighed, placing his sword away as he remembered the sad story. John left the Merry Men the next day and Tuck took over as second in command.

He frowned, he must confront Robin on what happened, ask him exactly what happened as only he and John know. He knew the basics of what happened but they were vague and shifty. I wonder what happened to Eliana, why Robin ended it so suddenly and why Robin had gone off by himself at night before returning to the Merry Men, disheartened. So much pain, so much lost, thought Tuck shaking his head.

Everyone thought the Merry Men had a great life but they didn't. Their freedom from the law came at a heavy price. They had to give up the chance of a family, of love. The risk that at any second they could be injured or killed but that was the price of being a Merry Man, thought Tuck sadly.

" Oi, look, he's back, Robin's back!", shouted Simeon slopping wine down his hood as he drunkenly stood up. Tuck smirked at Simeon's behavior but turned to where his friend was pointing.

Tuck's eyes widen as Simeon was right. Robin was coming forward on a horse and someone else rode on another horse just behind Robin. "Arm your weapons", Tuck shouted automatically eyeing the young stranger behind Robin. There was a shuffle of movement as the men grabbed swords or bows or spears.

" Robin who is that with you", yelled Tuck as Robin came in within shouting distance. Robin stopped and frowned when he saw the weapons readied.

" Lower your weapons men, he is no enemy but a good friend of mine", grumbled Robin. They dismounted from the horses as the men lowered their weapons but eyed the young man wearily.

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