Chapter 24 - An unexpected surprise

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Wow, this place is amazing, Damon thought as he gazed upon the city and the castle. His horse stomped nervously at all the noise and people bustling around. The late afternoon light seeped across the grassy hill which he and Frederick stood on.

Damon could make out people hurrying around, buying or selling different objects. Store holders shouted their wares while children ran screaming through the streets. Damon smiled at the sight, wishing he could have had a childhood like that as a little boy caught his attention.

The young boy held a carmalise apple and was chasing a cat that ran through the streets. A man caught the boy and threw him up in the air. The boy surprised laughed in delight, dripping caramel onto the man's nose, which he licked off. Damon chuckled quietly at the scene but tensed. No, that's the thing of the past, I am lucky to have what I have, Damon thought bitterly.

He sighed and glanced sideways at his so called partner and friend. Frederick was using a small dagger to get the dirt from under his nails, whistling some unknown tune. It was Frederick's fault for everything. He made Damon create the fire and lose Arena. Now she's in that dam castle with that idiotic prince and his side kick Hunter, Damon thought.

He scowled to himself and absentmindedly stroked his horse's mane. In some ways, it was his fault, if he had just contained his jealousy or his bitterness towards the prince and Hunter, then maybe Arena would still be at the farm with her father and they would still be friends.

Then again, John wouldn't give up, he wouldn't allow Damon to be happy with Arena. John wanted Arena for himself, for what plan he didn't know but if John planned on hurting her in anyway, Damon would stop him at whatever the cost.

He sighed and shifted in his sadle. " What do you think Frederick, do you think we can get her", grumbled Damon. Frederick glanced at the boy curiously. Damon was changing, he wasn't the same boy a few weeks ago. For the better or for the worst, it was too soon to tell.

" Depends, how good are you at deceiving boy, you gain their trust and I'll get a job somewhere in the castle and maybe we'll stand a chance", smirked Frederick. Damon nodded slowly and urged his horse forward. They started towards the castle, determination shining in Damon's moss green and brown eyes. Whatever it takes, I will have you A, thought Damon determinedly.


" Jane, I'm going to find Jade, you can do whatever", Arena said awkwardly. Jane smiled at Arena and nodded. She was still getting use to having Jane around. She sighed and wandered down the corridor. Stephen was busy with duties and Hunter was training some soldiers. Zach was helping Hunter just in case there was a war.

Jade and Arena had become good friends and Arena had promised to teach Jade how to shoot. Damon was still on her mind as she wandered around the castle. I guess I should say hello to Nightfire,  she thought. Arena headed towards the front of the castle where the stables were. There was a chance Jade was there anyway.

She hadn't bothered to dress up real nice today, although everyone expected her too. That was the one thing so far that she hated about this place. The expectations and rules. Jane had taught her that while she was here, she should dress appropriately for the right occasion. No more dressing like a farmer's daughter but a lady.

She hated it, all the dresses. Some were ok like the riding dresses and the skirts and the few pants and shirts she wore but the long dresses were a nightmare. They were pretty but she didn't understand how the queen or any girl who wore those dresses could move properly. It was very frustrating and she often broke the rules. Stephen and Hunter found it hilarious but she didn't. Jade had told her she'll get use to it or to wear a pair of shorts underneath if she wanted to but it wasn't the same.

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