Chapter 26 - Timing is everything

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"Do you think the boy will succeed or do you think his feelings for the girl will get in the way", Jack asked as they sat in John's tent. John frowned drumming his fingers on the small makeshift table that they were sitting at.

Young Damon was an interesting case and a welcome one for their cause but soon he would have to tell Damon everything. The boy's  feelings for the girl made it more difficult but he would win in the end, he always did. He would stop at nothing to get what he wanted and a girl as interesting and unique as Arena Dawson, well who wouldn't want to have her.

He smiled to himself at the fun he would have with her. First he would change her, change her beliefs and her mottos into his own twisted dark desires. She would be his right hand girl and maybe be more. He would allow Damon to have the girl but not until he was through changing her to fit his needs. He smiled as he imagined the new and improved Arena meeting the prince and taking his life with her own hands. Oh what fun it will be to see the public heroine turned villian and working for him.

He would crush the public and they will have to obey him with Damon and Arena by his side. "John, do you think he will get her or not", Jack asked again. His gruff deep voice breaking through Little John's happy thoughts.

" What, well we shall see but either way, we will win, there is always a backup plan if the original plan fails", smirked John.

" If he does fail, what is the plan", asked Jack scratching his hair. John smirked and cracked his knuckles.

" There are two ways we can do this if the boy fails to convince her", smirked John his eyes flashing wickedly. " One we make Damon or even Arena herself do something unthinkable to someone she loves", smirked John but was interrupted by Jack.

" But sir, who can we harm that will affect Arena and how will you know if it works", Jack asked. John frowned and wacked Jack across the head.

" Do not interrupt me Jack or I shall do more than hit you, would you like me to cut off another finger", smirked John picking up his small dagger and twirling it between his fingers.

Jack shook his head frantically, hurriedly placing his hands in his pockets. " No sir, sorry sir, please continue", grumbled Jack.

John smiled wickedly, placing the dagger down again before continuing. " Easy, there are a few different options, the easiest being her mother or her friend Zach", smirked John. " Or we can kill her brother wherever he is or even better Hunter or Stephen but I think those two would be hard to remove", frowned John.

" And I know it will work", began John stopping Jack from interrupting again. "As she is predictable, she would do anything for a love one, she is loyal to her family and friends and if anything happened to them she would feel responsible", smirked John. She's similar to that bastard Robin Hood, he thought to himself as he watched Jack progress this information.

"And the second option", Jack asked and John flashed him a wicked grin.

" My favourite in my opinion, we kidnap her, make her suffer, make her believe that someone will rescue her and then crush her will by killing who ever does try", smirked John. " Simple yet effective", smirked John.

Jack nodded slowly and John rolled his eyes at his slowness. " So when will we try one of these options", asked Jack scratching his head. John smiled wickedly as he picked up the dagger once more and a picture of Arena from the corner of the table. He ran a finger of the picture, a drawing of the girl.

" We move out tomorrow and wait because the boy will fail, he is weak with his feelings for the girl and she is to strong and stubborn to be wooed by him", smirked John.

" Then why did we pick him in the first place, if you knew about the boy failing", asked Jack.

" Because since they're friends and he cares for the girl, it makes it easier to crush both their wills completely and make them mine for my plan",  smirked John.

" When are you going to tell the boy, Frederick says he is losing heart", frowned Jack.

" As soon as we arrive there, it will be then he finds out the truth and we'll steal Arena away", smirked John digging the dagger into the table.

Jack nodded and smiled. " I'll get the men ready", smiled Jack and John nodded. Jack left the tent yelling orders at the men. John frowned down at the drawing of Arena and sighed. It's strange how much this girl reminds me of Robin Hood, her stubborn and cocky attitude, her fighting and archery skills and her eyes, he thought. As green as the grass as bright as emeralds, he thought.

Then it hit him and he hissed back in shock. Why Arena does not seem to fit in really according to Frederick from past reports. Why she is so good with archery and hunting and her personality. He understood now and he knew Robin had had fallen in love with that young noble.

" Oh Robin, you naughty boy, what have you gotten yourself into, is this why you've been moving closer to the city, because of her", John whispered. " I think I just found another reason to have Arena, I shall have your daughter Robin and she will be your undoing, you and her noble born mother, why you had to fall in love with a noble Robin, I'll never understand", whispered John smirking.

He gazed down at the drawing of his ex friend and  enemy's daughter. He smirked as he thought of Stephen's relationship with Arena and Arena being the only child of Robin Hood. " It's like killing two birds with one stone, oh this shall be interesting", smirked John.

" And I shall enjoy every minute of it", he whispered grinning evily, his scar looking wicked in the dim light. "It's all about timing", he smirked and he laughed a high maniac laugh at the fun he would have with Robin Hood's daughter.


GASP! LITTLE JOHN KNOWS WHO ARENA IS! Finally, if you ask me and which option sounds best, breaking Arena's will by making her harm someone close to her or kidnapping her or both, tell me in the comments. I loved this chapter, writing the villains are so much fun and don't worry, Robin and John's fallout will be revealed soon. Let's just say that John did something unimaginable in Robin's eyes and Robin did something that destroyed John's heart, that's all I'm going to say.

Plus, John's going to reveal something Damon never knew and to be honest it's going to affect Damon pretty badly ;-). I'm so happy for how many reads this book has gotten and votes and comments! 13.8K and 500 + votes, you guys are awesome and I love all of you, especially my followers! I haven't done this in ages, I always forgot but the next chapter is called The past stings and it will be a Robin Hood chapter with the merry men.

Anyway keep reading, voting and commenting, it really does mean a lot to me.

Cheers Jordan ;-)

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