Chapter 23 - Gossip brings a new discovery

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The large, elegant corridors were still and quite while chatter of birds and shouts of people filled the air outside. The noise crept inside the quiet yet elegant mansion. Slightly smaller than a castle, this estate and the land around it belonged to the Earlene noble family.

The Earlene family is one of the oldest and most prestigious noble families around England. The most powerful noble family next to the royal family itself. Earlene means nobleman or warrior, a fitting name.

" Oh enough of that", whispered a sweet musical voice and the book snapped shut, the sound echoing in the cozy library.

" Eliana, your father will be displeased with your lessons, you are the next in line after your late brother James, may he rest in peace", whispered a middle aged woman, frowning at the beautiful lady before her.

"Oh really Nurse, it will be a long time before I'm head of the family and must you speak of James, I feel horrible enough about what happened sixteen years ago", whispered Eliana.

" I'm sorry Milady, I miss spoke but it was your fault he discovered your secret, if you hadn't snuck out to see Robin, he wouldn't have discovered your love or your unborn child", whispered the middle aged woman. The woman had raven black hair and sharp  ice blue eyes surrounded by crinkles. She was short and cubby but was quick on her feet. She wore a plain black dress, a white bow tied around her waist.

" Do not speak of his name, speaking it is forbidden and I was young and rebellious, I loved Robin with all my heart and I still do and I miss my daughter every day, oh I only wish I could see her", sighed Eliana.

" What, find your daughter, don't be absurd, that child is a danger and a mistake, someone like her existing, a child of a noble and a thief, ridiculous", hissed the Nurse.

Eliana frowned, her warm golden brown eyes darkened. Eliana pushed a wisp of white blonde hair away from her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. " Do not speak that way of Arena, she was no mistake, Robin and I were planning to have a child as soon as I was able to leave with him", hissed Eliana.

Her rosy cheeks turned a deep crimson red as she fumed. " So, do not speak like that to me Emily, make sure you remember your place, if I had the chance to see my daughter and Robin again, I would welcome the chance, don't you dare tell me otherwise", hissed Eliana.

Emily sighed and rubbed her temple tiredly. " I am sorry Eliana but what Robin Hood did and blamed it on the royal family is, unforgivable", whispered Emily.

" I know but tension was always  high ever since father's brother, ran off with the king's sister and they were never heard of again, I think she became pregnant, the gossip said", whispered Eliana sadly.

" Indeed but what became of any of them is a mystery", whispered Emily. Eliana nodded and sighed. She touched her golden locket around her neck. It was the twin to her daughter's and the only connection she had to her. When she opened it, a lock of Arena's baby hair was in it, just a strand before Robin took their child away to a farmer's family, where she would be safe from all this that she was born into.

Eliana sighed as she pushed the history book away. " I've had enough for today, I'm going for a walk alone", said Eliana as she gathered up her white dress. Emily nodded and hurriedly put the heavy old book away.

Eliana left her nurse fussing and made her way down the long corridor. She passed many rooms, many of them empty while only a few were occupied. She hurried pass her older brother James room averting her beautiful brown eyes from the  smooth oak door. Finally she strolled into the large luscious garden filled with beautiful red roses and bright tulips of all colours. The hum of bees and the song of birds filled the early afternoon air.

In the distance, she could faintly hear people yelling their wares or children laughing. She sighed as she sat down on her favourite wooden seat, feeling the warm sunlight warm her pale skin. She was sick of all this training, all this preparation to become the head after her father died. It should of been James not me but I was foolish enough to make him suspicious which lead him to discover Robin and I discussing our baby's future, Eliana thought.

She sighed and stared off into the distance, thinking. Oh Robin, I miss you so, I wish you and Arena and I could be a family, she thought sadly. No I will not dwell on the past, I cannot or I shall go crazy, she thought.

Eliana stood up and walked towards a plain wooden door in the wall. This lead outside the mansion, out the back way. Not many used it and it was the perfect escape from the mansion. She smiled as she hurriedly opened the door and stepped out. She smiled as she made her way down the street, smiling to the people who curtsied or bowed to her. She was walking past a group of young girls about seventeen when one girl said something that made her stop in her tracks.

Eliana turned back around and strolled over to the girls who quickly curtsied. "Rise, what did you just say", Eliana asked. The girl who seemed to be the most confident and stepped forward.

" Milady, we were discussing the royal family and their new guest, prince Stephen's new friend and I bet girlfriend soon", the girl giggled.

" Not if Stephen's best friend and royal archer wins her first", giggled another girl. Eliana smiled slightly at this pitiful gossip but waited patiently.

" Who is this girl", Eliana asked, hopping she had heard wrong.

"Oh, England is in love with the girl, she's beautiful, brave and so unique", smiled the girl who had spoken first. "Her name is Arena, Arena Dawson", smiled the girl. "She's wonderful with the bow and she can fight, she saved the prince's life and he offered her to come live with him, have whatever she wanted and get to actually fight, she's good friends with Hunter and Stephen but she only said yes because her house burnt down and her father died", said the girl.

"Oh really, excuse me", smiled Eliana. She hurried back to the mansion the back way. She ran through the halls, pulling up her white dress to run faster. "Emily, Emily", screamed Eliana.

" Eliana, what's wrong", Emily asked coming out from a room.

"In here", whispered Eliana.

" What's wrong, Eliana why are you crying", Emily asked confused.

" The royal family, prince Stephen, they have Arena", gushed Eliana.

" Wait, what", Emily asked shocked. Eliana explained quickly about what she had heard.

" I must see her safe, I don't want her with those royals, if she has to be with anyone it should be with me at least, if they find out who she is, that's it for her, Robin and I", whispered Eliana. " It will be war between us and them, for Arena, they want her as one of them but I will not let them corrupt my daughter into stuck up sniffling girl for the prince", she hissed.

" I would rather her here at least, so she can still be herself and have a comfortable life", whispered Eliana.

" Eliana, I don't know, your father, if he finds out, Arena will be in even more danger", whispered Emily.

" I don't care, she won't be with them, tell the stable boys to ready our horses, we have a long trip ahead of us", whispered Eliana. Emily nodded and hurried off to prepare.

Oh Arena, my baby girl, at last I'll get to see you and this time I promise I won't let go, Eliana thought as she wiped her eyes before hurrying to her room. " I promise", she whispered touching her golden locket briefly.


SURPRISE!  Something different, Arena's mother made an appearance! And getting closer to what happened between Eliana's family, Robin and the royal family!  I'm so sorry about this late update, school is hetic. Assignments, assignments and more assignments. Plus exams coming up soon, ahhh!

Anyway, what did you think of this chapter? It's a race now, who will get Arena first, will Arena meet her mother first or her father or both at the same time.  Damon will be coming soon too and Little John! OMG 10.4K reads! When I saw 10K I did a little happy dance, I love all of you and you guys must comment!

Please vote, comment and fan! I'll try my hardest to get the next chapter up quicker but no promises. Keep being awesome guys!

Cheers Jordan ;-)

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