Chapter 31 - Missing, truths and lies

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"There it is, the castle", sighed Cederic as they stood on a hill at the edge of the woods.

" It's been a long time since I've been here", grumbled Robin glaring at the high walls of the castle and the city below it.

" Don't be so sour Robin, you'll be getting your daughter back today", smiled Simeon clapping Robin on the back. Robin gave Simeon a grateful look and sighed.

" Yes, I think it's time for a father and daughter meeting", smiled Robin.

" That's the spirit, now how do you reckon we can get in, looks like there is more activity around the castle than usual", frowned Simeon.

Robin frowned down at the castle and noticed that Simeon was right. More soldiers stood around the walls and more came and went from the castle, disappearing over hills or into the city. None came towards where Robin, Cederic and his Merry Men were, thank goodness.

" I haven't seen it so busy since-", began Robin but stopped.

" Since the King's sister ran away", frowned Tuck shouldering his bag. Robin nodded, troubled. Why was the castle so active, I wonder what if it's...but he refused to think of that possibility. Even though he hated how Arena had been in the castle, at least she was safe. That Prince and his royal archer Hunter would make sure of it, he thought.

"Well, there must be some way into the castle, maybe we can say that we're related to Arena", frowned Cederic.

" We can't all be related, they'll suspect something's up and since it's so busy down there, they're probably already suspicious,  whatever  that's going on", sighed Robin. Everyone frowned realising that he was right. They all stood around, watching wearily as soldiers hurried in and out of the castle.

" How about Cederic and I go down and say we're related to Arena and have come to see her, I'll message you if we need you", grumbled Robin shouldering his bow.

" Alright but be careful Robin, whatever that has happened, it seems big", frowned Tuck. Robin gave a low chuckle and winked at his lieutenant and best friend.

" Careful is my middle name", Robin smirked.

" Really, I didn't think you had a middle name", smiled Tom and everyone laughed. " What?", frowned Tom as Robin ruffled his hair.

" Nothing Tommy but do us all a favor and don't ever change", smirked Robin.

" Um ok", frowned Tom as his father gave him a one armed hug.

Robin smiled at his gang and gave a small wave as he and Cederic jumped onto their horses and started off down the hill. " Don't worry guys, we'll have a new special member in less than twenty four hours", yelled Robin. His men waved before returning to the safety of the woods.

Robin kept his hood down, his face clearly recognisable but no one would recognise him except Eliana who wasn't here and Ella who would keep his secret. " What do you think she will do when she knows the truth ", Cederic asked as they made their way towards the castle.

"I don't know but I'm hoping she won't shoot me for leaving her", frowned Robin.

" I don't think so, she's level headed, she'll listen and then she will decide whether to shoot you or not", smirked Cederic.

" Very encouraging, thanks Cederic", smirked Robin.

" I'm here to help", laughed Cederic as they got closer to their destination.

" Halt, state your business", grumbled a guard as they reached the closed gate.

" We're here to see someone named Arena Dawson, she's my sister and my mother is here too", said Cederic. The guard frowned and glared at Cederic.

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