Chapter 49 - Mysteries and Goodbyes

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Play song at funeral and the picture is of Arena's armour apart from the hat.

"You are okay Stephen", sobbed Victoria, Stephen's mother.

" Yes mother, I am fine", sighed Stephen as he patted his mother back in comfort.

" And Hunter, Arena?", Victoria asked as she let go of her son.

" They are fine, they are still in the medical tent with Jade, Ella, Robert, Cederic, Roger and Eliana", said Stephen.

" Why, they should be back here in the castle, we should be celebrating our victory, should we not", King Henry asked.

" We won but at a great cost", said Stephen sadly.

" Son that is war, there will always be casualties but you and Arena are safe", smiled Henry.

" I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Arena anyway", Stephen said.

" What do you mean?", Henry asked.

" She saved my life again", whispered Stephen.

" How, tell us what happened", Henry said. Stephen told them all about the battle and how it ended. " She shot John in the eye but they escaped, him and Damon, the boy that was her friend", Henry asked.

" Yes father, if it weren't for her I'd truly be dead", Stephen said.

" Will we ever stop owing this girl", Henry grumbled with a faint smile. Stephen gave his father a faint smile in agreement but then sighed.

" Many are dead, including my friend Zach and Jade's love", said Stephen sadly.

" Oh Stephen, I'm sorry but we will honor the boy with a funeral fitted for a true warrior", smiled Victoria as she hugged her son again.

" Thank you mother but father when Damon was leaving with John, he said something strange", frowned Stephen, remembering Damon's words. It had flew over his head before, he had been too focused on Arena and Zach, how Arena again saved his life but now he remembered.

" What did he say", his father asked.

" He said this is just a tactical retreat, you should be more worried about Zach dying over there, goodbye cousin", whispered Stephen.

King Henry was startled by his son's words. Cousin, what on earth was that Damon talking about.

" Oh my", whispered Victoria, covering her mouth in surprise.

"What, why would he say that Victoria", Henry asked.

" I knew something was up with her, she was acting just as I did when I found out I was pregnant with Stephen", whispered Victoria.

" Who", Henry asked.

" Your sister, she was acting different, I knew she had a man in her life but I did not know who until they ran away together but I think I know why they did despite our fued with the Earlenes", whispered Victoria.

" You knew my sister was with that Earlene", hissed Henry.

" No I just knew she was in love, that is all but she was acting just as I did when I first became pregnant with Stephen", whispered Victoria.

" Are you saying wife that my sister was pregnant, that Damon is that child and another heir to the throne", growled Henry.

Stephen stared at his parents in disbelief, could this be true, Stephen thought. "It is a possibility but how would that boy know", Victoria.

" John, I'm sure he would have come across them at some point or something but Damon was abandoned as a baby", said Stephen.

" We don't know but we will find out soon but until then, no one speak of this until we capture Damon or find my sister if she is still alive", growled Henry.

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