Chapter 3 - Unlikely meeting

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"Father, may I go out and train some more", Arena asked sweetly. Roger stood leaning against the front door trying hard not to laugh at Arena's pleading expression. Roger knew that Arena was desperate to keep training, hoping she could actually fight one day. After seeing Arena beat Cederic who was one of the best swordsmen in their group, Roger knew that Arena was no ordinary farmer's daughter. She never has been he thought smugly.

Arena's father, Nicholas looked up from his carving and smiled at his daughter. He could see Roger at the front door as he waited for Arena.  He turned his gaze back to Arena to see her firm yet pleading expression. He nodded once and went back to his work. The prince was coming soon and he wanted to make everything nice.

Arena hurried out after her father had given her his permission. She grabbed her green hooded jacket  with patterns of beautiful wild flowers stitched around the hem. She followed Roger stopping only to attach her sword and swing her bow over her shoulder. She was going to train but Arena and Roger were going hunting near by. Arena wanted to trade whatever she gathered or killed in exchange for a special dagger she had been eyeing lately.

If and when she traveled, Arena wanted protection. She did not want a boy to protect her anyway, so she was taking her bow and any other weapon she chose. Her bow was a beautiful dark wood that blended nicely into any of her clothes. It wasn't that noticeable but if it was she could say she was keeping it for a friend. However a young lady with a sword strapped to her side was bound to cause trouble, so if she could not carry her sword with her, at least she could get a dagger to hide up her sleeve or something.

She knew it was dangerous out in the country and in the city, so she was determined to protect herself. "Do you think there are any deer around yet?", Arena asked as Roger hurried to grab his spear. He shrugged and smiled as Arena hurriedly tucked her long light brown hair inside her green hood that matched her beautiful green eyes perfectly.

Roger sometimes thought that Arena was born to live in the woods. Her green eyes were like the green leaves above and she moved through the woods swiftly and quietly. Arena had brought a small  basket that would be filled with many different kinds of edible plants. Roger remembered Arena pointing out all the plants that were safe to eat and when he asked how she knew, she just said she knew. 

"Look out for wild asparagus, burdock, clovers, dandelions and wood sorrel", smiled Arena as they trudged through the woods quietly. Arena examined a plant carefully before she deemed it edible, placing it in the basket.

" You're good at that", smiled Roger as he watched Arena gather all the edible plants.

" It would be nice if you would help", Arena smirked rolling her eyes.

"Oh right, I'll go over there", said Roger blushing as he pointed towards the right. Arena smirked at Roger's behavior and nodded.

"Don't get lost, I need you to take my sword when we get into the village", smirked Arena.

"Yeah, yeah", said Roger waving his right hand while his left gripped his spear tightly. He disappeared through the bushes and Arena sighed. She continued to gather until her basket was overflowing with edible plants and plants that could heal. She had just straightened up when she heard Roger make a shocked sound from where he had disappeared to.

Her heart fluttering in panic she rushed towards the bushes. "Roger, where are you", she cried.

"I'm here and you won't believe what I've found", Roger's deep voice called. Arena pushed through  the last vines and bushes and gasped at the sight. She thought she knew these woods and where all the plants that could be eaten or used for medicine were. Clearly I was wrong she thought as she gazed around, fascinated.

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