Chapter 50 - The truth and a decision

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Dedicated to TannishthaGhosh.

Arena sighed in relief. The funerals were over, the fighting was done and she had gotten some revenge for what John had done to her. The war was far from over though, they were still out there, John, Damon and their men, they still needed to be brought to justice and Arena would not stop until they got what they deserved.

She sat on her bed, her helmet on her lap, armour sprayed all over the floor of her room. She had refused to let any maids or Jane into her room. She wanted time to herself and she would clean the mess soon but she just wanted to relax. She thought of Zach and her heart clenched in pain.

She missed him so much. They had only been friends for less then a year but time didn't affect their friendship. Zach had done more for her then anyone apart from Roger but she had been friends with Roger for years. He helped her through her father's death and helped her through her feelings with Stephen and Hunter.

She missed his smile and his humor. He was always trying to make people laugh, no wonder Jade had liked him. Poor Jade, she had refused to leave her room after Zach's funeral, the ring he gave her around her neck as a reminder, always.

Arena sighed as her thoughts turned towards Hunter and Stephen. She had kissed both boys and she couldn't figure out who she liked more. They were both unique and special in their own way. " I think I'll try and ignore what has happened between us, they're best friends, I don't want them to fight over me", she whispered.

She jumped, startled by someone knocking at her door. " Who is it?", Arena asked. " It's your mother", said Ella as she waited impatiently for Arena to open the door.

" It's unlocked, come in", Arena said. Ella entered and smiled slightly at Arena and her messy room. She remembered when Arena was little, her first little sword and her bow and arrows were scattered around her bedroom back home. Arena had been distracted by her shell that Cederic had bought for her.

"How are you sweetie", Ella asked as she sat down next to Arena.

" I'm okay, I guess, I really miss Zach but I am relieved that the battle is over, the war isn't but we made a stand and so did I", said Arena. "I don't think they'll mess with Arena Dawson again", smirked Arena.

Ella smiled sadly at her foster daughter, no her daughter. She may be Eliana's by birth but she raised her and she will always love Arena. She hadn't seen Robin nor Eliana since Zach's funeral but she knew it was time to tell Arena, it was just going to be hard to say. How do you tell anyone that you were fostered out, that the people who raised the child are not the real parents?

How was Ella going to break it to Arena that she was not her mother. " Where is your chest Arena", Ella asked. Might as well start with the blanket, Ella thought.

" Over there", smiled Arena as she pointed to her chest. Ella quickly pulled it over and opened it up. Arena let her mother open it, she knew of everything except the music box but she didn't care, it was just a music box and her mother had never kept secrets from her, so she should follow what her mother did.

She smiled sadly to herself, neither her parents kept secrets from her, Cederic or each other. It was what she loved about her family and she had missed being with her mother. After everything that had happened over the past month or two, she had drifted away from her mother and Cederic.

She didn't want to lose them not like with her father. Now that the worst was over, Arena could spend time with her family, maybe move out of the castle into the city or just out of the city, she thought. She still wished to be close to the boys even after their kisses, she would like to be friends still, she didn't want to be the reason the boys would fight.

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